Interesting video on masks

I will say I wore a mask for work (real estate appraiser) and still got COVID. It wasn't terrible, nor was it good. My wife got COVID around the same time and got through it much better/quicker than me. She then fought off brain cancer shortly after & is under going chemo therapy for the next year. She wears a mask at work for precautions mostly related to illnesses beyond COVID. If they were so effective, the nurses wouldn't be wearing respirators & N95s underneath their surgical mask. Part of me thinks them layering the surgical mask is a promotion that they work.

I won't get a vaccine as I don't want to carry the viral load. I just deal with it.
You have the antibodies, you were vaccinated naturally.
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I believe there is far more genuine information that support the use of masks to mitigate the spread of the virus. Much of what I have seen that is negative about masks use is obviously flawed. Incidentally I watched this video. I was unable to reproduce the results. A single cloth mask was enough to keep me from fogging up my glasses while breathing and speaking normally. If I blew out, I could fog the glasses. The masks are not fool proof but I have seen no legitimate study that said they offered no protection at all.
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I believe there is far more genuine information that support the use of masks to mitigate the spread of the virus. Much of what I have seen that is negative about masks use is obviously flawed. Incidentally I watched this video. I was unable to reproduce the results. A single cloth mask was enough to keep me from fogging up my glasses while breathing and speaking normally. If I blew out, I could fog the glasses. The masks are not fool proof but I have seen no legitimate study that said they offered no protection at all.
i think it depends on your expectations of what you are mitigating?

think of it this way, if you are painting a wall and want to stop paint splatter from hitting your face or you from sneezing or spitting on the fresh paint, then wear any old mask.

if instead you are spraying a paint or lacquer with known carcinogens, will you still whip out a cloth mask or surgical mask to block those aerosol particles?
i think it depends on your expectations of what you are mitigating?

think of it this way, if you are painting a wall and want to stop paint splatter from hitting your face or you from sneezing or spitting on the fresh paint, then wear any old mask.

if instead you are spraying a paint or lacquer with known carcinogens, will you still whip out a cloth mask or surgical mask to block those aerosol particles?
And if you are spraying paint with the expectation of it not affecting you, do you think a mask would provide full protection for your face? I completely agree with the statement regarding expectations. I think masks are primarily viewed one way - that they protect the person who is wearing them. However, I don't believe that to be the case and I don't recall any "official" saying that. Meanwhile, it may or may not limit viral particles from dispersing through the air from people who are already infected and currently carry a viral load. For that reason, I pick and choose my times to wear one.
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And if you are spraying paint with the expectation of it not affecting you, do you think a mask would provide full protection for your face? I completely agree with the statement regarding expectations. I think masks are primarily viewed one way - that they protect the person who is wearing them. However, I don't believe that to be the case and I don't recall any "official" saying that. Meanwhile, it may or may not limit viral particles from dispersing through the air from people who are already infected and currently carry a viral load. For that reason, I pick and choose my times to wear one.
100% agree. the FDA is very clear in their mask information that if you have the expectation of wearing a mask to limit or potentially stamp out transmission of aerosol virus then nothing less than one time use of a form fitting N95 respirator mask is required.

they further emphasize that such N95 respirator masks should not be worn by children, or by adults with facial hair as neither instance provides for a proper fit to achieve perceived protection.
the FDA's own guidance says get an N95 respirator and use it only one time.

While a surgical mask may be effective in blocking splashes and large-particle droplets, a face mask, by design, does not filter or block very small particles in the air that may be transmitted by coughs, sneezes, or certain medical procedures. Surgical masks also do not provide complete protection from germs and other contaminants because of the loose fit between the surface of the mask and your face.
I've seen data (from actual scientists) that shows the N95 stops 0% of airborne covid virus. States that you have to get to the N99 before the mask begins to provide protection from it. Regardless, how many people do you see walking around with a N95 on? I've seen exactly none so it's not too hard to do that math. Sadly, we have been churning out weak-minded people for decades and if this mask nonsense is any indicator, we have begun to reap what we have sown.
I've seen data (from actual scientists) that shows the N95 stops 0% of airborne covid virus. States that you have to get to the N99 before the mask begins to provide protection from it. Regardless, how many people do you see walking around with a N95 on? I've seen exactly none so it's not too hard to do that math. Sadly, we have been churning out weak-minded people for decades and if this mask nonsense is any indicator, we have begun to reap what we have sown.
exactly. most of the people that scream about masks are wearing their fashion face coverings. if their expectation is that piece of cloth with stop them snotting on someone, or being snotted on, then fine. but don't expect anything else. the same applies for surgical masks but with a greater degree of protection.

i carry surgical masks with me both in my car and when i ride my bike. if i'm going to encounter being in close proximity to people then i will put one on just to limit droplet spread but if i was going into a large store with self check for instance, the mask stays in my pocket and i keep my distance.
100% agree. the FDA is very clear in their mask information that if you have the expectation of wearing a mask to limit or potentially stamp out transmission of aerosol virus then nothing less than one time use of a form fitting N95 respirator mask is required.

they further emphasize that such N95 respirator masks should not be worn by children, or by adults with facial hair as neither instance provides for a proper fit to achieve perceived protection.

Yea my beard is past my chest so N95s are pointless for me really lol .
design in progress, guaranteed less than 1% effective!

Hmmm that's the same doctor that said mRNA vaccines make spike proteins that travel to your brain and other organs destroying them and killing you.
I am posting this as a mask only thread. I think this is important as it shows how poorly masks work. At least the ones we see used. What worries me most is the symbolic attempts to deal with this stuff. Vaccines have been shown by the numbers to work. Masks have not. From day one they have been a public showing of our attempt to control it, but clearly they do very little to help. If things are dangerous enough, we should not be pretending masks do much of anything.

No data shown. No studies cited. If you'd like, I can point you in the direction of numerous studies that show masks can be effective. I appreciate that this guy is a doctor, but he just did a video with no data in it. None. The research community, of which I am a part, would consider none of to be data. No testing or observing by anyone but him. This is misleading stuff.

No data shown. No studies cited. If you'd like, I can point you in the direction of numerous studies that show masks can be effective. I appreciate that this guy is a doctor, but he just did a video with no data in it. None. The research community, of which I am a part, would consider none of to be data. No testing or observing by anyone but him. This is misleading stuff.
that video was posted by @AllNoles following prior discussion in the locker room about the article posted below. i forget who posted the article but there is no shortage of data in it.

that video was posted by @AllNoles following prior discussion in the locker room about the article posted below. i forget who posted the article but there is no shortage of data in it.

As a member of the research community, who is not a "leftist" or "libtard" or "vaccine pusher," or whatever conclusion anyone wants to jump to, I can tell you that this article is incredibly slanted, uses old quotations from March of 2020 and earlier, most of which changed as our understanding of the virus grew, and cherry picks obscure studies, some of which are misinterpreted badly. It comes from a think-tank with no real citations or peer review.

Masks can be effective in stopping transmission, especially between individuals who are non-symptomatic. Masks made the 2020 flu season disappear, and no it wasn't covid taking credit for the flu, as the original covid tests could only identify covid - so a positive test could only be covid. Yes, I am aware of all the misinterpretation around that data as well. It's horrific. Here is some real data about masks effectiveness. They aren't the end all be all, but they have shown effectiveness. I am happy to send more, as there is a large financial wall between what the research community has access to, and what the general public can access. Just ask. I warn you, what you're about to read is written by people who took every measure possible to eliminate bias, as it is basically impossible to do so completely.

Masks made the 2020 flu season disappear, and no it wasn't covid taking credit for the flu, as the original covid tests could only identify covid - so a positive test could only be covid.
the CDC acknowledged that masks helped but the reduced flu numbers were a large combination of things. Florida has basically been wide open since May 2020 with varying levels of PPE usage but still experienced the same drastically reduced influenza numbers as states with more extensive lockdowns.

What are possible explanations for the unusually low flu activity?​

COVID-19 mitigation measures such as wearing face masks, staying home, hand washing, school closures, reduced travel, increased ventilation of indoor spaces, and physical distancing, likely contributed to the decline in 2020-2021 flu incidence, hospitalizations and deaths. Influenza vaccination may also contributed to reduced flu illness during the 2020–2021 season. Flu vaccine effectiveness estimates for 2020-2021 are not available, but a record number of influenza vaccine doses (193.8 million doses) were distributed in the U.S. during 2020-2021.
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There's still this weird misunderstanding that wearing the cloth mask is somehow supposed to protect the wearer from getting infected. I've seen it in this thread. "Wore a mask and still got covid". That's because other people with Covid (knowingly or unknowingly) aren't wearing masks or social distancing from you. Again, it's not meant to protect the wearer. Nobody every said you will be protected from virus particles by wearing a cloth mask. Masks like these help mitigate the spread of your germs, exhaled as vapor through your nose and mouth. They do a pretty good job of that, but of course are not fool-proof. Just another tool to help control the spread.
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That's because other people with Covid (knowingly or unknowingly) aren't wearing masks or social distancing from you.
they could be doing both but insufficiently? the cloth mask part is the beginning of the problem though. for most it's basically a single layered elasticated handkerchief that they may or may not wash regularly. how often do you see cars with masks hanging from the rear view mirror etc.?

most cloth masks usually have a pocket to slip a filter membrane into but i rarely see people actually do that.
the CDC acknowledged that masks helped but the reduced flu numbers were a large combination of things. Florida has basically been wide open since May 2020 with varying levels of PPE usage but still experienced the same drastically reduced influenza numbers as states with more extensive lockdowns.

What are possible explanations for the unusually low flu activity?​

COVID-19 mitigation measures such as wearing face masks, staying home, hand washing, school closures, reduced travel, increased ventilation of indoor spaces, and physical distancing, likely contributed to the decline in 2020-2021 flu incidence, hospitalizations and deaths. Influenza vaccination may also contributed to reduced flu illness during the 2020–2021 season. Flu vaccine effectiveness estimates for 2020-2021 are not available, but a record number of influenza vaccine doses (193.8 million doses) were distributed in the U.S. during 2020-2021.
You know flu is migratory. Florida very well could have benefited by mitigation efforts taken all over the world.
As a member of the research community, who is not a "leftist" or "libtard" or "vaccine pusher," or whatever conclusion anyone wants to jump to, I can tell you that this article is incredibly slanted, uses old quotations from March of 2020 and earlier, most of which changed as our understanding of the virus grew, and cherry picks obscure studies, some of which are misinterpreted badly. It comes from a think-tank with no real citations or peer review.

Masks can be effective in stopping transmission, especially between individuals who are non-symptomatic. Masks made the 2020 flu season disappear, and no it wasn't covid taking credit for the flu, as the original covid tests could only identify covid - so a positive test could only be covid. Yes, I am aware of all the misinterpretation around that data as well. It's horrific. Here is some real data about masks effectiveness. They aren't the end all be all, but they have shown effectiveness. I am happy to send more, as there is a large financial wall between what the research community has access to, and what the general public can access. Just ask. I warn you, what you're about to read is written by people who took every measure possible to eliminate bias, as it is basically impossible to do so completely.

Nothing new was learned about the virus in terms of mask value. It’s not magically different in that regard. Fauci was right at the outset when he said they didn’t work.
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Yes. I have seen studies that say they work and that they don’t work. It comes down to what you believe and who you trust. You are not going to convince anyone with a strong belief system by throwing up a study. I do wonder why people cover their mouths and noses when they cough/sneeze, since even a mask doesn’t work. It seems common sense to me that a mask would reduce the spread of germs. I don’t see why this is so hotly debated. I guess people really just don’t like wearing them. But if I’m in a crowded area I throw on two masks just in case.
Masks are like rosary beads. People grab them when they are worried and its a matter of belief if it works!!
by all means wear a mask to somewhat help limit your cough and sneeze mess from spreading quite as far but by the same token you shouldn't be out exposing yourself to people if you're all sicked up.

anything less than a true form fitting N95 respirator isn't going to do jack squat in evading aerosol spread.
Truth. I am an RN and I agree 100%, N95 mask is what you need if you are going to wear one.
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Nothing new was learned about the virus in terms of mask value. It’s not magically different in that regard. Fauci was right at the outset when he said they didn’t work.
No he wasn’t. Hence the reversal. Plenty of data on this.
Masks are like rosary beads. People grab them when they are worried and its a matter of belief if it works!!
Nope. It’s not a cure, but it is a proven preventative measure. No one thinks it’s a cure so stop reacting to that made up premise. It’s preventative as it should be.
I'm having trouble finding where to put this at this point so I'll just use the thread that has "mask" in the title.

School districts in Florida may impose mask mandates, a judge said Friday, ruling that the state’s Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, overstepped his authority by issuing an executive order banning the mandates.
The Leon county circuit judge John Cooper agreed with a group of parents who claimed in a lawsuit that DeSantis’ order is unconstitutional and cannot be enforced.

I think this is what many expected would happen, and appeals will certainly be made, but I'm sure this is the first of many court rulings that will occur.

I also found this part interesting as it may have serious implications as it relates to decisions on future mandates.

The judge also noted that two Florida state supreme court decisions from 1914 and 1939 found that individual rights are limited by their impact on the rights of others.
For example, he said, adults have the right to drink alcohol but not to drive drunk. There is a right to free speech, but not to harass or threaten others or yell “fire” in a crowded theater, he said.
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First DCA unless they skip to Supreme Court of Florida. But that’s super rare. This won’t rush through courts. Issue will be over before it’s all done.
First DCA unless they skip to Supreme Court of Florida. But that’s super rare. This won’t rush through courts. Issue will be over before it’s all done.
I wonder how other lawsuits from different states will affect the timeline as well. For example, the ACLU lawsuit in SC. I'm sure each instance would have to be examined on a case by case basis to see what applies, but it will be interesting nonetheless to see how all this goes.
I also found this part interesting as it may have serious implications as it relates to decisions on future mandates.

The judge also noted that two Florida state supreme court decisions from 1914 and 1939 found that individual rights are limited by their impact on the rights of others.
For example, he said, adults have the right to drink alcohol but not to drive drunk. There is a right to free speech, but not to harass or threaten others or yell “fire” in a crowded theater, he said.
there has always been that fine line balance between free speech and a call to action.
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The ruling was never in doubt with Judge Cooper.
I just spoke with my father. He seemed to agree. He likes Cooper and appeared before him one time to argue a self-insurance case.
He’s a good judge. But he’s definitely liberal and tends to be more ok with Gov power. That said this was an odd issue. I suspect the issue was more whether Gov had authority to dictate to the school boards. That was not an issue I really had a grip on. This may be a scenario where had the legislature put those rules in place, they would have stuck. Cases aren’t always about the merits/issues people want addressed.
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i wonder if the Oregon meth heads and coke heads feel discriminated against by the mask mandate?