Moving Back to Tallahassee

Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. Home prices are higher than we expected, and there is not as much inventory as usual. It is definitely a sellers market right now. Any thoughts on Rosehill, Moore Pond, or Bobbin Brook?

All really nice locations with quiet neighborhoods. Moore Pond is gated as I recall, Rose Hill isn't if I remember right, and Bobbin Brook I haven't been in to. Realtor took me in to Moore Pond when we were looking just to show us what we couldn't afford (he was a bit of an ass like that). I would have loved to have lived in there b/c it was simply beautiful.
I'm laughing out loud at these remarks about Killearn Lakes. I was the original on-site Realtor for KPI (Killearn Properties Inc.) back in the 70's! (what was amazing is the fact that the state gave a ten year old like me a license...seriously I was only about 23) The place was so heavily wooded and at the time maybe 30-35 houses were up, including ours. What a difference 40 years makes.

More deer and definitely more snakes than people at the time. I had the key to the back lakes and Kinhega Lodge and we went fishing sometimes after work in those lakes that were full of bass. We never went without a gun because of the alligators and moccasins. I sold a whole bunch of lots in there to people from up north in places like Cleveland - we won't go into the nasty business of selling land in Florida sight unseen, which I think they've sort of done away with, but regardless those lots were going for anywhere from $3600-$4400 at the time and by the 80's - after I was long gone - they were selling in the teens - no telling how much they would sell for now. The store at the corner of Bannerman (?) and Thomasville Road was as rural as they come - we called it the "Bradfordville Mall". You went there for bait and beer and gossip.

If the place is full of parents who are anxious about how well their kids are doing in school and will - gasp - even have them tutored, I am interested in finding out what is wrong with that? My kids didn't go to school in Tally, but I can assure you in our school district in North Dallas parents made sure their kids did well in school, either by helping them with their subjects or hiring a tutor in subjects they weren't good in themselves. I don't know what my kids would have done if I didn't get them a math tutor in high school I doubt my son would have graduated magna cum laude in finance and economics if I hadn't. Helicopter parenting in the 90's. Who woulda thunk it?
That place on the corner was "Rehburgs" country store. I miss those days.......
That place on the corner was "Rehburgs" country store. I miss those days.......

Yes, that was it. Mr. and Miz Rehberg were just good country folk. Mr. Rehberg was such a good old boy - I stopped by one day after work to pick up some milk and he did not know I was in the store. This old boy comes in and Mr. Rehberg (Stanley?) and he were talking about fishing, so he launches into one of his jokes:

This old boy went "fishin" for a whole week, or at least that's what he done told his wife. He come home and the wife asks him "Well honey, did you catch anythang?"
Old boy says "Oh, Gawd, I hope not".

I came up to the register and he says "Oh Lord I am so sorry you heard that, I did not know you wuz in here." I accepted his apology like a good Southern girl and laughed all the way home.
Appreciate all the insight. No luck yet finding a home, but we will keep searching. Will probably end up renting for 6 months to a year and wait for the right house.
Appreciate all the insight. No luck yet finding a home, but we will keep searching. Will probably end up renting for 6 months to a year and wait for the right house.

6395 Belgrand, Tallahassee, Leon County, FL 32312
Ox Bottom manor
We just lease optioned a house we will be able to buy in November. It is technically in the Southeast section off Old St. Augustine between Williams and Louvinia. Beautiful area and less than 10 minutes to Capital Circle and Apalachee Parkway. Very happy with the property and the area.
My folks, siblings and families are all still in Tally. I moved to Atlanta after graduation and planned on coming back after a few years. 17 years, a wife and three kids later I'm still in ATL. I wish I could move back--- Tallahassee is probably the only 'small' town that I could live in. It has a lot to offer--- especially for the FSU fan.

One thing I'm amazed about is the prices of the houses in the northeast section of town. Yep Killearn, OX Bottotm, etc no idea why the prices are so high. There definitely isn't the job market to justify those higher prices -- more expensive than suburban ATL for the most part (except for Alpharetta, Roswell, etc.)