Now the gays can be a miserable

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You are probably clapping that the White House is being lit this evening with rainbow colors. I am vomiting. Whatever. The U.S. will not exist (as we know it) within 50-75 years. Dudes marrying dudes is only part of our intensifying problems, but it confirms that we have completely abandoned the fundamental principles that enabled the U.S. to previously be the greatest country in the world.

I never thought about the issue until we met a same sex couple who became our closest friends. We've now met a number of same sex couples who we now count among our closest circle of friends. With that perspective, I can't imagine why those wonderful couples should not have every right my wife and I enjoy. I also can't see how their ability to marry takes anything away from our marriage. I wish nothing but the best for these couples.
Abraham Lincoln was probably only "prison gay" when he was poor and in an area with ten dudes for every vagina.

But James Buchanan, he was 100% gay. Let's see...never married...lived for years with another unmarried senator even though they could both easily afford to live alone....when his lover I mean "senator pal" left to serve as an ambassador the president wrote to a friend "I am now solitary and alone. I have gone a-wooing to several gentlemen, but have not succeeded with any one of them." (which even using the overly flowery language of that time can mean only one thing)....Andy Jackson called the president Aunt Fancy and Miss Nancy to their faces....several senators openly called Buchanan's lover his "better half" and his "wife".

Exactly. Gays are not a 21st century phenomenon. People simply pretended they didn't exist, including the framers
Yep those original slaveowning founders could do no wrong and created a perfect document in the original constitution. We should never change.

Being pedantic here but it is untrue that all founders were of the opinion the constitution should never change. You just never hear about it because the people who quote founders like TJ, either don't know or conveniently leave quotes like these out

Thomas Jefferson Memorial Inscriptions:
Southeast Portico:
"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as a civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."
-Excerpted from a letter to Samuel Kercheval, July 12, 1816.
You are probably clapping that the White House is being lit this evening with rainbow colors. I am vomiting. Whatever. The U.S. will not exist (as we know it) within 50-75 years. Dudes marrying dudes is only part of our intensifying problems, but it confirms that we have completely abandoned the fundamental principles that enabled the U.S. to previously be the greatest country in the world.

Well there are still a few countries that you can move to. Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan to name a few. We are going to move on with out you if that's OK.
So, if a same sex couple gets married in a state that permits it then has their job transferred to a state that doesn't, should the couple be denied the spousal benefits enjoyed in their previous location?

Did this happen to you?
You are probably clapping that the White House is being lit this evening with rainbow colors. I am vomiting. Whatever. The U.S. will not exist (as we know it) within 50-75 years. Dudes marrying dudes is only part of our intensifying problems, but it confirms that we have completely abandoned the fundamental principles that enabled the U.S. to previously be the greatest country in the world.
yes, 'dudes marrying dudes' is what's wrong with america.

i look forward to the US as it will be in 50-75 years.
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You are probably clapping that the White House is being lit this evening with rainbow colors. I am vomiting. Whatever. The U.S. will not exist (as we know it) within 50-75 years. Dudes marrying dudes is only part of our intensifying problems, but it confirms that we have completely abandoned the fundamental principles that enabled the U.S. to previously be the greatest country in the world.

Vomiting? Literally?

I hope so - maybe you'll retch out some of your hatefulness.
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You are probably clapping that the White House is being lit this evening with rainbow colors. I am vomiting. Whatever. The U.S. will not exist (as we know it) within 50-75 years. Dudes marrying dudes is only part of our intensifying problems, but it confirms that we have completely abandoned the fundamental principles that enabled the U.S. to previously be the greatest country in the world.

Your username regularly took it up the butt in the latter part of his career, so it might just be the "marriage" part of same sex couples that you have a problem with. A lot of people have an aversion to marriage. Are you okay with gay, Johnny Wad?
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