Spoilers don't click here the Hate flows through me

I think Han had to fall into the reactor, otherwise I doubt Chewie would have blown up the place without getting his body.
Why does Ren wear a mask/helmet?
Vader needed his to live, does Ren wear it just to look menacing and to sound cool?
To look and sound menacing. But mostly because he is a Vader wanna be.'s all about paying homage to his idol.

Episode VIII will have its work cut out for it...what turned Ben to Ren...why is Luke in hiding...who is Finn 'Force sensitive' (came 'awake' as the Force Awakens).

How good Ep VIII is will determine if the plot choices in VII will get a pass (I'm thinking they will). I think the choices JJ made have specific purpose for a bigger scope/plan in the Universe.'s all about paying homage to his idol.

Episode VIII will have its work cut out for it...what turned Ben to Ren...why is Luke in hiding...who is Finn 'Force sensitive' (came 'awake' as the Force Awakens).

How good Ep VIII is will determine if the plot choices in VII will get a pass (I'm thinking they will). I think the choices JJ made have specific purpose for a bigger scope/plan in the Universe.

I thought it was a brilliant way to introduce a new villain who's related to one of the greatest movie villain's of our time. He could never be Vader but he's going to do everything in his power to live up to his lineage. Kylo showed how brutal he can be and how powerful he is but he's completely flawed and weak due to his connection to the light side of the force.
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I thought the movie but back an element that was missing from the prequels...humor.

"We'll Figure It Out. We'll Use The Force."
"That's Not How The Force Works!"

"So, who talks first? Do you talk first?"

Kylo Ren destroying that control panel with his light saber and then calmly asking..."anything else".
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I thought the movie but back an element that was missing from the prequels...humor.

"We'll Figure It Out. We'll Use The Force."
"That's Not How The Force Works!"

"So, who talks first? Do you talk first?"

Kylo Ren destroying that control panel with his light saber and then calmly asking..."anything else".

Yes, so much better than those awkward scenes like: "Oh, it's you" turbo lift scene from AOTC.

The one scene I'm certain Lucas didn't write in that film (and was the only one that felt like the original) was this one:

Well twins run in the Skywalker family, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that Rey and Ben are twins. However, Luke being her father is what makes the most sense.

I thought Finn being the son of Lando would be a great way to bring Lando back into the picture.

Either way, I like the new crew of the Millennium Falcon being Chewie, Rey and Finn.

You'd think Leia and/or Han would know their own daughter. I do believe she's somehow related to the Skywalkers, because Luke's light saber called to her. I think she was put on the planet in order to hide her, much like Luke and Leia were.
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I thought the movie but back an element that was missing from the prequels...humor.

"We'll Figure It Out. We'll Use The Force."
"That's Not How The Force Works!"

"So, who talks first? Do you talk first?"

Kylo Ren destroying that control panel with his light saber and then calmly asking..."anything else".

What, you didn't think farting and pooping animals and droids with their head on a different droid was funny?
You'd think Leia and/or Han would know their own daughter. I do believe she's somehow related to the Skywalkers, because Luke's light saber called to her. I think she was put on the planet in order to hide her, much like Luke and Leia were.

That and she felt compelled to stay on her home world despite yearning to leave just like Luke.
That and she felt compelled to stay on her home world despite yearning to leave just like Luke.

I interpreted (now having seen it twice) that she only felt compelled to stay on Jakku to wait for her family to come back. They made a point to state that was the only reason she wanted to stay and why she wanted to get back instead of taking Han up on his offer of a job. I paid close attention to her flashback when touching the lightsaber the second time and she is left to the junk dealer by someone unknown but we see them fly away - and I heard both Yoda and Obi-Wan speak to her... which I read about but missed the first time.
I interpreted (now having seen it twice) that she only felt compelled to stay on Jakku to wait for her family to come back. They made a point to state that was the only reason she wanted to stay and why she wanted to get back instead of taking Han up on his offer of a job. I paid close attention to her flashback when touching the lightsaber the second time and she is left to the junk dealer by someone unknown but we see them fly away - and I heard both Yoda and Obi-Wan speak to her... which I read about but missed the first time.

They had voiceovers from both actors who played obi wan. For Guinness they took Rey from a recording where he said afraid really slowly.
They had voiceovers from both actors who played obi wan. For Guinness they took Rey from a recording where he said afraid really slowly.

Yep, I totally missed the voices the first viewing but made sure to catch them all the second time. He also said (with Ewan's voice, I believe): these are your first steps.
Why does Ren wear a mask/helmet?
Vader needed his to live, does Ren wear it just to look menacing and to sound cool?

He's obsessed with his grandfather plus it was another Sith Lord way way before Vader that wore a similar mask.
Yep, I totally missed the voices the first viewing but made sure to catch them all the second time. He also said (with Ewan's voice, I believe): these are your first steps.

Its why many are speculating she's a relative of Obi Wan and think about it, Rey's Scottish accent like Ewan McGregor's. I don't believe she's a Skywalker. Anakin's mom only had him, Anakin had Luke & Leia and I believe Luke took the Jedi celibacy oath even though in the EU he took a wife but Disney said all the EU books are garbage and aren't cannon now.
He's obsessed with his grandfather plus it was another Sith Lord way way before Vader that wore a similar mask.
I just found it kinda silly of his wasn't like he was deformed or needed it to breath/ was completely for show. A "Hey look at me, I'm like my hero Darth Vader"
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I felt like the mask for Kylo Ren was to cover up who he was (Han Solo's son). At the confrontation between Han and Kylo Ren, Han asks him to remove the mask and Kylo asks who he thinks he will see. I felt like Ren was trying to fully convert to the dark side by becoming more like Vadar and also disguising/removing the old Ben Solo.
Why kill Han Solo? Did Harrison Ford not want to do more than one movie? He seems like a pretty big name to kill and I wonder if they worked the plot around him not wanting to do more than one.
Why kill Han Solo? Did Harrison Ford not want to do more than one movie? He seems like a pretty big name to kill and I wonder if they worked the plot around him not wanting to do more than one.
I wondered/thought that as well.
Harrison Ford is a bit old at 73 for the role now days. He could easily be pushing 80 before these are finished.

Interesting talk about the Ren's mask. If you think about it a lot of people wear helmets or masks in this universe. DV, Storm-troopers, Captain Phasma, just about everyone in the desert and Boba Fet are but a few that are almost always seen with helmets/ masks on. In fact, Finn was scolded for taking his helmet off.
Aside from the physical damage he sustained... he'll probably have a new design since his mask was lost in the catwalk. I really hope they don't have him make one just like Vader's
Ren's mask was brilliant partly because when he removed it his entire character changed, he would get lost in his emotions. When the mask was on he was cold and calculating
Finally saw it last night, made me feel like a kid again!

Also on the mask, does it weigh 500 lbs? Every time he took it off it seemed to hit the floor with quite a thump!
First 40 mins to hour was fantastic. The rest - makes the prequels look like academy award winners for best picture. Did like the practical effects and the Kylo Ren struggle will be interesting going forward.
First 40 mins to hour was fantastic. The rest - makes the prequels look like academy award winners for best picture. Did like the practical effects and the Kylo Ren struggle will be interesting going forward.
Exaggerate much? Rocky 5 is better than TPM. I'd pit Tommy Gun vs Jar Jar any day.
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Finally saw it today. I'm in a glass case of emotion.

Han dying is soul crushing. I also thought it was sort of glazed over. Chewie and Leia needed a moment.

Ren was sort of a spoiled toddler that has no control over his emotions. I didn't think of him as a weak villian, just one who is not ready to be the baddest of the bad. He is obviously conflicted.

Wanted more info on this Snope character.

Liked all the new characters. And the cliched "I laughed, I cried" held true with me.

My other issue was the so called resistance. 12ish X wings? If it wasn't for the old gang getting back together, they'd be crushed.

I feel like I'm rambling now. Need to see it again.
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Saw it today-- thought it was good. It will be interesting to see where this lands when the dust settles.

I want to know who Snook is...
I want to know who Rey is related to..
I want to see the scene again when Rey has the flashbacks when touching the light saber. Was Obi in it? Yoda?
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Saw it today-- thought it was good. It will be interesting to see where this lands when the dust settles.

I want to know who Snook is...
I want to know who Rey is related to..
I want to see the scene again when Rey has the flashbacks when touching the light saber. Was Obi in it? Yoda?

Both Obi Wan and Yoda were voices in it... along with Luke's "Nooooo" when Vader tells him the truth about being his father.
It was a good movie.

But two huge knocks:

(1) Ren was a complete dud in the last scene. He had less lightsaber skills than the Stormtrooper who pushed Finn's junk in earlier in the movie. I hear the excuses but they wrote the script and I walked out with clear impression that the main antagonist is as tough as soggy toilet paper.

(2) Rey was like a cheat code in a video game.
* Great pilot.
* Great mechanic.
* Knows more about Falcon than Solo.
* Crack shot with blaster with no training.
* Fearless.
* Mind control with no training or even suggestion she could.
* Great duelist with lightsaber with no training.
* Move objects with no training.
* No negative personality traits at all.

She's a Jedi knight day 1. More than that, she's Han Solo/Luke Skywalker rolled into one. It's just lazy writing that flies in the face of rules created by 6 prior movies. I've read the excuses for this silliness - mainly, 'oh she's related to Luke'. Welp, Luke didn't go full Neo in A New Hope.

Otherwise, this was good. Below the original trilogy but a good watch.
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Saw it again today and I still really enjoyed it. A few things....

- I enjoyed Finn a lot.
- I really enjoyed Rey a lot.
- I will never be able to love this movie, because Han is killed
- I will never be able to love this movie because Han's death is forgotten about roughly 30 seconds after it happens. Very poorly handled.

I was unable to hear Yoda and the NOOOOO from Luke.

How did Poe get back to the Resistance after being captured?

Why is the Republic also the Resistance?

I am very much looking forward to Ep 8.....
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- I enjoyed Finn a lot.
- I really enjoyed Rey a lot.

I did as well. Really looking forward to seeing their characters grow.

- I will never be able to love this movie, because Han is killed

It needed to happen at some point...he's the oldest of the gang.

- I will never be able to love this movie because Han's death is forgotten about roughly 30 seconds after it happens. Very poorly handled.

I agree! But maybe there was some simbolism in that...he was a no-frills, smuggler.

How did Poe get back to the Resistance after being captured?

Finn broke him out, the TIE fighter crashed, Poe was knocked out and when he woke up Finn was no where to be seen. I assume he was able to make contact upon reaching some sort of "civilization" and was picked up enroute.

Why is the Republic also the Resistance?

Here's what Google told me: The Resistance is a separate organization from the Rebellion. The Rebel Alliance became the new government of the Galactic Republic (not the "New Republic," because the Rebels always maintained that they were fighting to restore the Republic). The Resistance is a rebellion, supported and funded by the Republic, within the space controlled by the First Order.