Wayward Pines


Seminole Insider
Gold Member
Jun 7, 2005
Didn't see another thread on this show. 10 episode series produced by M. Night Shamalamadingdong.

I've only seen the first two so far (DVRing the series), but I like. Nice mixture of creepy and drama.

Sorta Twin Peaks meets the Twilight Zone.

No spoilers please, or at least tag them.
I'm into this series as well. I like weird, but it seems like it's in a state of perpetual weirdness. Supposed to be mid-season plot twist that will shake up the series. For 10 weeks I'll stick it out.
Its M Night Shamalan, it has to have a plot twist.
Its M Night Shamalan, it has to have a plot twist.

Despite this being M Night Disappointment, this show is pretty darned good. Also, I read that, unlike LOST (which I loved), they are going to have a big reveal in Episode 5.
Then I'm shocked that they got M Night to sign on. I found the novel to be on par with typical Amazon self-published pulp.
M night hasn't exactly been setting the world on fire. I liked The 6th Sense (like most people) and thought Unbreakable was an interesting concept, but pedestrian execution. At the end of Signs (Swing Away Merrill), I wondered who (if anyone) would keep financing this guy's movies.
It's entertaining, but I can't stop thinking why the town lets Ethan Burke keep running around when he's causing so many problems and doesn't obey any of the rules. I didn't read the novel, so maybe his tolerated repeated rule breaking will make sense later on.
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It's entertaining, but I can't stop thinking why the town lets Ethan Burke keep running around when he's causing so many problems and doesn't obey any of the rules. I didn't read the novel, so maybe his tolerated repeated rule breaking will make sense later on.

I thought about that and came up with 2 possibilities: 1) the girl says in episode 1 "they try to break your mind" and 2) he is clearly someone those running the show want to stay and play some role in the town's future.
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I thought about that and came up with 2 possibilities: 1) the girl says in episode 1 "they try to break your mind" and 2) he is clearly someone those running the show want to stay and play some role in the town's future.

Yeah, it makes sense if he's just an individual subject being studied. Time will tell. The show has me, especially after last night's episode.
Big fan of the show. Surprised how quickly they kill off big names - Juliette Lewis, only 2 episodes. Terrance Howard, 3. Impressive. Very Games of Thronesesque in that respect.
Big fan of the show. Surprised how quickly they kill off big names - Juliette Lewis, only 2 episodes. Terrance Howard, 3. Impressive. Very Games of Thronesesque in that respect.

I liked when our hero drilled the Sheriff all cold blooded.... Always hate when the good guy lets the bad keep coming back around. Of course, we may find out the Sheriff was not, in fact, an evil man in which case we'd feel differently about that.
An interesting episode tonight. No clue what directon the show is going.
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Not sure I understand why the adults are not let in on the secret. I understand the logic set forth, i.e. "too set in their ways to understand, stuck in the old world" and the anecdote about how one student's parents handled the news

But most of the adults are young enough to get busy in order to grow the numbers...

Tried not to spoil it for those that haven't seen the series, or are not up to current episode.
Not sure I understand why the adults are not let in on the secret. I understand the logic set forth, i.e. "too set in their ways to understand, stuck in the old world" and the anecdote about how one student's parents handled the news

But most of the adults are young enough to get busy in order to grow the numbers...

Tried not to spoil it for those that haven't seen the series, or are not up to current episode.

Completely forgot about that show. Have to go back and watch the most recent episodes.
I was in the keys on vacation so I'm 2 weeks behind, but I like how this story really moves. They are not pulling a lost (episodic - self contained struggles with a very distant reveal).

oK into episode 4 - this is getting even better.
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Anyone still watching this? Grown to like Matt Dillon. Hate the kid angle; and don't like the Abbies (just think it's a bit stupid), but very interested in seeing how it ends.

Very much hate the blonde teacher.
Definitely still watching and really digging this show.

Everyone should just get one complementary helicopter ride though and all of David Pilcher's problems would be solved.
So there is talk of a possible 2nd season. Leads me to think they don't escape.

The thing I don't understand is that Pilcher met with the FBI guy.....need to get to the bottom of that!
So there is talk of a possible 2nd season. Leads me to think they don't escape.

The thing I don't understand is that Pilcher met with the FBI guy.....need to get to the bottom of that!
Yep that is my biggest hang up this Pilcher met with Ethan,s boss not the long haired Pilcher from the past.
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I didn't see last night's episode yet, but from the first 7 episodes..(trying to avoid spoilers here)......there's no possible way what they say is happening can ever occur. Utterly impossible and ridiculous.
This needs to be a spoiler free thread!

89, I am in agreement with you about the hangup. The show was presented as a stamd alone series of 10 episodes. So, even though there MAY BE a 2nd season, this has to answer all questions..... At least that's what I have read.

Semiologist, you will enjoy this episode. Please reply once you have watched.
Great series. Seems like there will definitely be a season 2 but I really like how they went all out in just about every episode for this premier season.
Interesting ending that I did not see coming.

Hopefully here is a season 2 to continue the new storyline.
The ending was fun, a nice twist that set up the next bit, but it was a little disheartening if you were even slightly invested in the protagonist. Tough to be really invested because every time I hear Matt Dillon talk I hear Johnny Drama /
I thought the series was underwhelming. Did not care for the Abbie storyline. I was expecting an ending more like The Village. A perceived threat outside the perimeter and a vast social experiment within the walls.
I thought the series was underwhelming. Did not care for the Abbie storyline. I was expecting an ending more like The Village. A perceived threat outside the perimeter and a vast social experiment within the walls.

The whole Abbie storyline was apparently part of the books. The whole first generation thing with the kids was not.

In the next season they are going to have to explain how the kids were able to take over. I know they had all the firepower in the arc, but they still needed to find a way to take the mountain fortress, which was also well armed.

As sadistic as that one kid was you think he would have just killed all the adults as soon as he captured them. Not put them back into stasis.
One thing that wasn't explained was how he had that conversation with the FBI guy. Or did I miss that?

And where did fox say no to a season 2?
Thanks for the link.

Now, did I miss the explanation where Pilcher went BACK to current day to talk with the FBI guy? Or was that a Pilcher flash back?