Winter Olympics

Ummm yeah crap, thought this was live. Just got an alert on my phone, so the tv feed must be on a delay.
His score held up. Awesome to see a young one from a little place like Silverthorn, CO win a gold. You don’t have to be from big money or a big place to be the best.
So what song will play if one of the OAR athletes wins gold?

I would love it if they can pick their own song and they choose the song from the "worst cover" thread.
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That's nothing. We used to do stuff like that on wooden skateboards in the J.M. Fields parking lot on north Monroe.
Awesome memory. I had no idea that a business could close up until that one did. Until then, everything had the feel of permanence. It has all gone downhill since then.
Other than him, every time I looked up at that screen, somebody was wiping out.

Looks like we just won our second medal. Men's luge, silver medal. I think I heard them say first medal ever in men's single luge.
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Posted to Facebook on January 21st. Three weeks later he became the first US man to medal in the Luge event. So pretty inspiring for the next time you are ready to give up on something.

“I took this picture right after walking home from the track after a less than ideal race. Even after an hour I could still feel the anger, frustration and disappointment deep inside and it was still coming through my eyes.
What kills me on the inside is not the fact I made a few small mistakes, what kills me and has been driving me wild for over a year now is the fact that no matter what I do my top speed and ability to be with the top guys in the world has disappeared, and I don’t know why. (Also probably the fact that I really care)
There comes a point where giving it everything you have and believing in yourself starts to fade away and I am almost to that point. For some reasons unknown to myself, things are not working out as planned.
Why keep pushing on then?
Well, for starters I still believe in myself and am confident with my sliding and starts. I am not someone to walk a way during a struggle although this struggle seems to be getting the best of me... Finally, there is no way I can give up with the biggest race of my life being just weeks away and even though the last thing I want to do right now is think about Luge, that’s what I am going to do this afternoon.
There is a light somewhere in this dark cave that I feel like I am stumbling aimlessly through at times and you better damn believe I’m going to find it.
Thank you to everyone who has always believed in me, I want you to know that you always help me get through the tough times and I am looking forward to sleighing the future
I thought about waiting to post this until after laying down and contemplating things over but writing that actually felt very cathartic. Screw it, post!”
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Your enthusiasm and diligence is akin to those celeb leak sites, sans the highlighted/circled and arrow comparing birth marks, scars, jewelry, and tattoos between various public/Instagram photos and the leaked photots, or so I've heard. March on.....
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Your enthusiasm and diligence is akin to those celeb leak sites, sans the highlighted/circled and arrow comparing birth marks, scars, jewelry, and tattoos between various public/Instagram photos and the leaked photots, or so I've heard. March on.....

You set the bar, man... just trying to carry the torch when you get tired of slumming it in the LR
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Other than him, every time I looked up at that screen, somebody was wiping out.

Looks like we just won our second medal. Men's luge, silver medal. I think I heard them say first medal ever in men's single luge.

SOunds right, thats not an event the US has been very strong in as long as I can remember. Every time they jumped to him for a quick interview, he seemed like a very cool, down to Earth kind of guy. Be fun to go drink with.
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SOunds right, thats not an event the US has been very strong in as long as I can remember. Every time they jumped to him for a quick interview, he seemed like a very cool, down to Earth kind of guy. Be fun to go drink with.
Luge run, drink. Luge run, drink. Luge run, drink.
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So the women hockey players might not be able to have a statue of liberty sticker on their helmets because it promotes "motivation and national pride"? Isnt that what the olympics are about?
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People can talk smack about the winter olympics all they want, but I can theoretically perform all of the summer events besides gymnastics. Winter events, I'd be lucky to walk away without permanent disfigurement in over half of them.

100% agree; well, except biathlon and bobsled, so 90% agree.

I can get 6 inches off the ground and get super unstable on my snowboard IF I land. The speeds these athletes reach is incredible. I think the event I would be the least likely to try (also correlates to the MOST likely to die on) would be the ski jumping. We stood at the tower in Lake Placid, holy crap that thing is high and steep. Some parts of the Lake Placid training center is open to the public, its pretty cool to do the summer version of some of these events. But all of my efforts would be laughable. Trying to learn to ice skate in your 30s, nope, it didn't happen, too many obvious signs I was going to end up in the ER.
100% agree; well, except biathlon and bobsled, so 90% agree.

I can get 6 inches off the ground and get super unstable on my snowboard IF I land. The speeds these athletes reach is incredible. I think the event I would be the least likely to try (also correlates to the MOST likely to die on) would be the ski jumping. We stood at the tower in Lake Placid, holy crap that thing is high and steep. Some parts of the Lake Placid training center is open to the public, its pretty cool to do the summer version of some of these events. But all of my efforts would be laughable. Trying to learn to ice skate in your 30s, nope, it didn't happen, too many obvious signs I was going to end up in the ER.
Ski jumping doesnt get the credit it deserves. Ive been to the top at the Lake Placid jump also, holeee hell naw. The big assed pine trees way down below look liked little twigs. Snuck up there in the middle of the night and once we got to the tippy top couldnt believe what it felt and looked like.
Ski jumping doesnt get the credit it deserves. Ive been to the top at the Lake Placid jump also, holeee hell naw. The big assed pine trees way down below look liked little twigs. Snuck up there in the middle of the night and once we got to the tippy top couldnt believe what it felt and looked like.

You have to have a lot of Evil Knevil in you to do that IMO. They are jumping a distance longer than a football field or close to it.

Been discussed before about the cost/benefit of hosting the games.
South Korea likely to lose more than $10 billion for hosting 2018 Winter Olympics

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