A surprisingly good movie. I would suggest waiting until the crowds thin out. Any sound coming from the audience is amplified in the theater during most of this movie and you can hear someone smacking on popcorn anywhere in the room.
My understanding of the plot is that you have to be quiet and if you make noise some creatures will come and get you.
Read a few articles about how people were scared to even eat their popcorn due to how quiet the entire movie is.
I really want to see this one now.
I also have to give props to John Krasinski. What a bold venture to attempt this movie in a genre historically filled with bad films and poor acting. As popular as he was on the show Office, I think he may have found his true talent in directing and props to the entire cast for a job well done.
Bravo...If my kids were still little I would probably take them to see the movie for this reason.
Will talk more if spoilers are aloud.