Let's face it every school has fat girls. Someone has to be that drunk hook up you regret in the morning----------------------------
I saw something different when I was in Tally three weeks ago. My Daughter and I were out and about after 9 pm and were driving away from FSU up College towards Monroe - way past Potbellys- and saw a large group of sorority girls getting out of a car, all dressed up.
I saw girls dressed like Vegas or Miami Beach straight up hookers wearing tight high waisted shorts with literally half their "cheeks" hanging out and six inch platform heels on. No exaggeration. Sorry but they were at least15 lbs past being able to carry that off. Beer guts anyone?
My daughter, who is very attractive and pretty obsessed with looking good was appalled- "why are fat girls wearing that garbage and thinking they look good, and for what?"
We were embarrassed for them. And really hoping they weren't in our sorority. (But I have my fears)
Other than that every part of the country has pretty girls except far, far fewer in the northeast.