It was identical triplets, and the differences boiled down to single digit percentages in bordering European countries (hers said 7.4% German/French and one sister was the same while another was 11.1%)
Thank you for this response.
It would be obtuse as to think that there are no differences in 'identical' twins or even triplets. While science has traced the genome and the genetical input to a pretty micro level, I am not sure we really understand how all of it works. As I understand it, and I may be wrong, obtuse or stupid myself, but DNA imprinting can have slight variances. If not, then why does your brother not look and act just like you (or your sister)? Why does one child look like members of the maternal parent, while the next sibling looks like members of the paternal family (same mother and father).
I think the only way that genetic differences can be erased is through cloning, and if you cloned yourself today, then the new you would be different than the now you. Not genetically, but different......
When Ply said it was different, I was thinking that entire sequence was different, rather than percentages. I submit that these are not exact. Heck, I get emails from Ancestry all the time that they have improved their sequencing.....that must mean they are doing a better job or that the science is improving. Occasionally, I wonder if I should re-submit to get a better reading.
With all that said, I think it is amazing. Honestly, I knew so little about my particular case that the entire thing is somewhat overwhelming.
But, hey, I admit that I don't know everything about it...actually, after re-reading my comments, I am probably pretty stupid about the whole thing. But, I am admittedly happy in my ignorance.