B10 commissioner recommended spring ball today

There are several threads regarding the tweet rumor that some B10 schools are thinking of playing in the B12 this year. There is no way to substantiate a rumor like that one....but...there is a LOT of noise on various message boards of Big Ten members. There seems to be a consensus “belief” that B10 commish Kevin Warren is serious about looking at a spring football season, but the Presidents are not all in agreement. Yesterday’s meeting of B10 Presidents didn’t do anything but create confusion. Confusion creates chaos and speculation. And I guess the B10 put some feelers out and they know that other P5 conferences have NO interest in following along if B10 moves to spring. Michigan is rumored somewhere to support spring...but Michigan is also rumored to be one of the schools that would play with the B12. Proof positive that some people are throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks. But there is a movement from Penn State players #IWantToPlay making the rounds. There are national names such as Marvin Wilson, T Lawrence and J Fields that make it clear.....they want to play. And I have yet to hear anyone talk about the “science”, i.e. danger, of playing two football seasons in the same calendar year. There could be more players opting out of spring football than those who would opt out of Fall 2020....because a “double season” impacts all college players...not just those near NFL eligibility.

Unfortunately, you can’t evaluate any big decision of not playing without wondering of the impact of the political schism in this country. Are the Presidents making a decisions based on science...or...politics? Does anyone care about the mental health of a P5 football player if he cannot play? Why is it so unsafe to play football in a controlled environment of constant testing? Is it really safer to turn them into a regular student?

I am not concluding as to what the answer is. I just distrust everything being said now. Anytime I hear “I am listening to science”, I seem to recall certain large gatherings since May 26 that were deemed ok, but you can’t go to church. And University Presidents are all political. That’s how they got those jobs. As well as the B10 commish.
There are several threads regarding the tweet rumor that some B10 schools are thinking of playing in the B12 this year. There is no way to substantiate a rumor like that one....but...there is a LOT of noise on various message boards of Big Ten members. There seems to be a consensus “belief” that B10 commish Kevin Warren is serious about looking at a spring football season, but the Presidents are not all in agreement. Yesterday’s meeting of B10 Presidents didn’t do anything but create confusion. Confusion creates chaos and speculation. And I guess the B10 put some feelers out and they know that other P5 conferences have NO interest in following along if B10 moves to spring. Michigan is rumored somewhere to support spring...but Michigan is also rumored to be one of the schools that would play with the B12. Proof positive that some people are throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks. But there is a movement from Penn State players #IWantToPlay making the rounds. There are national names such as Marvin Wilson, T Lawrence and J Fields that make it clear.....they want to play. And I have yet to hear anyone talk about the “science”, i.e. danger, of playing two football seasons in the same calendar year. There could be more players opting out of spring football than those who would opt out of Fall 2020....because a “double season” impacts all college players...not just those near NFL eligibility.

Unfortunately, you can’t evaluate any big decision of not playing without wondering of the impact of the political schism in this country. Are the Presidents making a decisions based on science...or...politics? Does anyone care about the mental health of a P5 football player if he cannot play? Why is it so unsafe to play football in a controlled environment of constant testing? Is it really safer to turn them into a regular student?

I am not concluding as to what the answer is. I just distrust everything being said now. Anytime I hear “I am listening to science”, I seem to recall certain large gatherings since May 26 that were deemed ok, but you can’t go to church. And University Presidents are all political. That’s how they got those jobs. As well as the B10 commish.

I think we will know more at the end of week if there is going to be college football. If the Big10 and the PAC12 do not play football it is going to be difficult for the ACC,SEC and the Big12 to play football. Bad optics.
So that’s where the rumor originated from. Hmm, the Big 10 dissolves and the Big 12 becomes a powerhouse. Wouldn’t that be ironic?
I think we will know more at the end of week if there is going to be college football. If the Big10 and the PAC12 do not play football it is going to be difficult for the ACC,SEC and the Big12 to play football. Bad optics.

There are serious risks both ways. If the B10 commissioner thinks he can cancel the season, wash his hands like Pilate, and insulate him and his buddies from the fallout, he’s wrong. This will be on his watch, his career won’t recover fully from that. Nobody in any leadership roll gets a pass with any of the choices involved. Truly a lose/lose no matter what you do. And you can’t ignore it. This is the other side of the coin for having leadership aspirations when there is a pandemic with truly mysterious characteristics. If everyone knew this thing was super deadly the choices would be easier. It’s the mystery and unknown from the psychology of this thing that has made this situation so bad. Nobody gets the luxury of a true crystal ball.
Dr. Fauci has said repeatedly that the FDA procedures of testing for safety efficacy are not being rushed. They had a head start based on research of prior viruses. The only thing being rushed is the financial investment in distribution. That normally happens after FDA approval, but it is happening now. It's a financial risk. It is not a health risk.

There are currently seven vaccines in Phase 3 trials. We will most likely have more than one vaccine that will work. There's a lot a buzz about Johnson and Johnson recently, but they are not in Phase 3 yet. However they already have the investment to create 100M doses. That's the financial risk if Phase 3 doesn't work.
What is avg length of trials for a new vaccine? What is length of trials for this one?
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I think we will know more at the end of week if there is going to be college football. If the Big10 and the PAC12 do not play football it is going to be difficult for the ACC,SEC and the Big12 to play football. Bad optics.
They apparently already told the B10 they will play. Is it good optics to shut down football but not the entire campus? Social distancing is social distancing is social distancing. Japan follows the three "C"s.... the spread of the virus is caused by Close Continuous Contact. Continuous means more than a brief encounter. The Marlins were infected when they played the Phillies. None of the Phillies were infected playing baseball against them. The physicality of interaction among young people in football is far less continuous than other "physical contact" that seems to happen when young men and women arrive on campus.

Locker rooms have to be managed. The biggest problem with the NFL and college playing games will be the house parties and game watching parties at the venues that sponsor them.
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Not happening. Think of the contractual obligations and tv rights for the b1g.
What is avg length of trials for a new vaccine? What is length of trials for this one?
It depends on the early results. Each trial has 30,000 participants in various countries, I assume doing double blind testing with placebos. When you go to Phase 3, the vaccine was already proven safe and effective in Phase 2...with a smaller number of participants. Since the purpose of the virus is to create antibodies, for the trials that started July 27, they probably already know if the antibodies were created. That is pretty immediate. Some vaccines require two dosages. Dosages will vary in each trial to see which works best. But efficacy requires that it be determined that the vaccine actually prevents an infection. Some will volunteer to be infected to test this.

The different vaccines have different mechanics. The "Oxford" vaccine gets a lot of press because it creates two ways to fight the virus: an anti-body plus "T" cells. This important because the hardest thing to determine for a virus that works is how long it is effective. T cells generally last a long time. The J&J vaccine has created a very strong anti body response in Phase 2.

Any vaccine that is deemed safe and effective will most likely be rolled before it is determined how long it will last. The government is creating the tiering order of who gets the vaccine first; they are working on that now. Everything is being mobilized for a quick roll out.

Regeneron is doing Phase 3 testing for its virus antiviral. This requires a smaller number of participants because you only look for people already infected. Remdesivir is an anti-viral, but can only be given with an IV. Regeneron will create a pill. As a reminder, it was an anti-viral that stopped Ebola; the Ebola vaccine was created 5 years Ebola was contained. There is no vaccine for AIDS, but anti-virals have basically eliminated the death sentence for most.
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I will do some research but will in all probability take the vaccine as soon as it is made available to me. We need to get back to normal and that will not happen until the bulk of the population is immune to this virus. I will do my part. 50 to 70 percent effective is good enough. At this point everything is speculation.
50-70 percent is what health professionals deem an affective year for a flu vaccine. Millions of us take that every year after being reminded of its efficacy - and also being told that even if we should still get the flu it will be a milder bout.
At this point a C19 vaccine with that level of efficacy sounds a lot better than what we have now, which is nothing.
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Breaking rules it'll probably screw up more people that corona I get a flu shot every year I've had vaccine's my whole life as a conscious adult no way am I lining up to take a rush job vaccine for a SARS virus when in our history have they ever been able to successfully make a SARS vaccine. this Vaccine is going to kill or harm people worse than the actual virus. You get herd immunity by living a normal life and protecting yourself and your loved ones best you can. There is no science behind lockdowns and there is no go science behind a rushed vaccine.

You think these companies want to open themselves up to potential billion dollar lawsuits? Best believe if a vaccine comes out it will be as safe as possible, nothing is 100%.
To @northvanole, Good thread/post that got merged with this thread.
Thanks. Only a mod can condense multiple threads on the same topic and I think it's a good idea for them to clean up the TC to be "football season" specific. These posts on the B10 certainly discuss topics that can concern the season, but the TC has been getting real messy this year. That's not a criticism; it's just the way we are all being slammed with virus update news that impacts everything, including sports.