Breaking Bad fans-- movie in the works?


Seminole Insider
Sep 4, 2001
The more I think about it though: do you mess with a masterpiece?

I saw this too, very intrigued. Jessie became the star of that show towards the end.

From what I read it’s going to pick up from the moment he escapes...
I believe the plot centers around Jessie and Walter Jr. encountering Rick Grimes following the zombie Apocalypse. Walter Jr. keeps mumbling "I am Neegan" but Rick can't understand a word he says so he lets them hang around for a series of poorly thought out plans, each doomed to fail. The movie ends when Jessie overdoses on zombie meth; Walter Jr. stumbles over a body and is consumed; and Rick decides to fly back to England to spend more time with his family.
Walt confirms it, but unsure if he'll be in it > link.

I can't believe it's been over 5 years since the series ended.