Brett Favre — Vicodin and Rehab


Ultimate Seminole Insider
Gold Member
Mar 29, 2002
Interesting report about Favre spending two stints in rehab during his playing days. I know people oooh and ahhh about the glory of playing in the NFL. The reality is that most of those guys are dealing with pain and injuries that will affect them forever. Not as wondrous as it may appear.
The NFL spends so much time screening for pot and testing for relatively benign "banned substances" like fertility drugs, however they turn a blind eye to abuse of the ultimate performance enhancing drug, their bread and butter, pain killers.

The cherry on top is that the NFL, in its single minded quest for new revenue, wants to add more regular season games, further deteriorating the bodies of their gladiators.

History will not shine a positive light on this commissioner and aging generation of NFL owner.