Smoking hot eye candy?How DARE you refer to her as "nice eye candy"!
Patronizing and assumes gender...failLol, beautiful young lady?
Exactly but I didn't think the term eye candy is in the crude category. Now if I said that's one hot piece of ass that may be more in the crude categoryI am sure that she wouldn't mind being described in a positive way for her physical appearance. She worked hard to get in that shape and is wearing a skin-tight outfit. I am not advocating being crude, but we are freaking blind. She looks hot.
Eh, I don't think she is anything special. I did like the movie though. Capt Marvel was a complete Bad A$$. So I'm just glad they did the character justice.
I really don't understand why so many guys, not on this board but on the net overall, are having so many problems with the movie. I thought it was better than Wonder Woman.
But the real question: Gal Gadot or Brie Larson?
Eh, I don't think she is anything special. I did like the movie though. Capt Marvel was a complete Bad A$$. So I'm just glad they did the character justice.
I really don't understand why so many guys, not on this board but on the net overall, are having so many problems with the movie. I thought it was better than Wonder Woman.
Oh no doubt marvel is a badass. I haven't seen wonder woman actuallyEh, I don't think she is anything special. I did like the movie though. Capt Marvel was a complete Bad A$$. So I'm just glad they did the character justice.
I really don't understand why so many guys, not on this board but on the net overall, are having so many problems with the movie. I thought it was better than Wonder Woman.
I didn’t know that people are having problems with the movie. What is the issue/complaint?I really don't understand why so many guys, not on this board but on the net overall, are having so many problems with the movie.
A lot of guys are saying that the movie emasculates them personally. So I understand the words coming out of their mouths. I just don't understand how they came to that conclusion. I think those guys really need to re-evaluate their lives if a movie with this storyline can do that.
And yes Gal is much hotter than Brie but neither would make my top 50 of sexy famous women. Not that I'm anything to write home about just saying if I had to make a list. Gal does have a super pretty face though, she has top 50 looks in that dept.
So I can see how those seeking entertainment were distraught when they realized empowerment was derived from social engineering rather than story line.
Since you haven't seen the movie you may not be able to fulfill my incoming request but could you expound on your statement. I thought the story was fine. As far as the "villains", not all people of a intelligent species are villains. And by the way the Kree are a bunch of Aholes just like they are in the comics but they also have their exceptions (all of the Accusers are Aholes though).
It's amazing Hela breaks Mjolnir and no one starts talking that emasculating crap even though there is no way she should have been able to do that. Plus how the F does Thor show up with Stormbreaker and flies through a blast from the full Infinity Gauntlet. Talk about undeserved power. That isn't even his freaking hammer! Don't get me wrong, I love Thor. I think his comic and Daredevils are some of the best writing and storylines out there (IMHO) but that re-writing of history def sticks in my craw.
Here's a pretty good review, at least for those with a little background in American feminist history and theory.
"This newest installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, designed to show valiant femininity, features a female superhero and renews the hopes of all those broken-hearted 2016 supporters who cling to the possibility that Hillary will have a last-minute change of heart and finally receive her (their) entitlement."That is what you call a good review? How anyone can make ties to Hillary Clinton and this movie is beyond me. Just wow.
Cough, cough, seeing what you want to see.I get that those are the words written in the article. It just seems like conjecture and a rather large leap in an attempt to make a connection that isn't readily available.
I just seriously don't get how Hillary and CM have anything to do with one another. For example, "It’s more than coincidence that Captain Marvel opened the same week that Hillary Clinton announced she would not run for president in 2020." Really? That is literally the only connection between the two and Marvel put out their release date a year or two ago. HRC didn't even know which states in which to campaign during the lead-up to election day but she and her people know when CM is dropping. Ok, I buy that.
Cough, cough, hack job.
Cough, cough, seeing what you want to see.
You picked the one sentence in the entire review that wasn't well written. And even then the writer didn't say HILLARY did anything related to Marvel's release date. You made that up. Did you read the whole review? You seriously think that's what a 'hack job' looks like?
And if you really "just seriously don't get how Hillary and CM have anything to do with one another," I'm not sure how I can explain it better, or more simply, than I already did. Many feminists consider both the new Captain Marvel and Hillary Rodham Clinton feminist superheroes. And Wonder Woman. They are feminist icons.
It's a Marvel movie. It even has Marvel in the title. It's going to do $1billion gross worldwide, whatever it is.Ticket sales are over 900 million and appears this film has survived the initial criticisms.
It's a hack job because you don't agree with it. Okay. Here's the complete, 100% rebuttal to your point: "So no, it's not a hack job."I was hoping a few more people could weigh in and offer their perspectives but obviously, this topic isn't interesting enough. Anyway, the writer said, "more than a coincidence.". So your first paragraph should just be deleted from memory. And yeah, it's a hack job with a lot of conjecture.