Not me, but I am personally aware of chemistry and biology PHDs having major problems with finding work.... "wrong decision of a lifetime" despite all the hard work did not equate to them thinking their career is a success.
Why not go into Chemical sales? A quick look on google and they average $89,000 per year before commissions and judging from the few that I know and how and where they live probably make around 200K+? Having a PHD would be very helpful in the field and could aid in coming up with possible solutions to existing problems.
This is where strategic planning without flexibility is a recipe for disappointment. Too many times our careers take an unexpected turn. Unless that guy has contacted every company in a 100 mile radius for each and every job opportunity, he is just taking the easy path in blaming his situation on others. If you want to work on the bench for a lower salary by all means do so. If you don't, do something about it.