Charges to be Declined

No, but it will lessen them and it will eliminate other bigger problems that only exist because of the war on drugs..

Not seeing how it will lessen them when they are made legal and thus more accessible. Eliminate what other bigger problems?
Having seen it firsthand I don’t have a real issue with marijuana legalization, but I’m just not comfortable personally with legalization of harder drugs. The effects are so different.
But, aren’t harder drugs being legally dispensed by multinationals who avoid dealing with the consequences directly? I am not advocating heavy drugs being sold on the streets. Far from that, but we have to call into play those who advertise and push dope without consequences.
The DA who is advocating lesser charges for lesser crimes seems like someone who understands the societal costs of overly stringent policicing aimed at a narrow group of citizens.
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It was a wrong change to outlaw drugs in the first place. Did you know drugs are illegal because it was beleived they caused interracial sex. I’m not making that up. It really is why the US outlawed “illicit” drugs. Also the only reason caffeine wasn’t outlawed is because Coca Cola was powerful enough to get it off the list.

Drug prohibition is every bit as wrong and damaging as alcohol prohibition was if not worse. The lobby’s against legalized drugs are almost exclusively those that make money from them being illegal. Alcohol and pharma and law enforcement. Follow the money. Drug prohibition causes far more harm than good and nobody that started or supports it ever had any altruistic intentions.

Black markets always cause more crime than they stop.
Having seen it firsthand I don’t have a real issue with marijuana legalization, but I’m just not comfortable personally with legalization of harder drugs. The effects are so different.
You may be familiar with the pill mills that Florida finally stifled... the ones that had the state prescribing something like 25% (?) of the nation’s supply of oxy. Or how about the county in West Virginia that prescribed some thousands of pills of oxy per resident each year.
Amazing thing is, it was all legal.
If these crimes don’t warrant jail time...
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There's always going to be collateral damage from drug use. Hell, there's collateral damage from alcohol, but we haven't banned that. All that being said, all you have to do is look at prohibition and the rise of gangs and violence. That should tell you all you need to know.
So I can just break into your house or even stalk you and get no charges. I can have 10 pounds of pot with the intent to sell and no charges.