Child Neglect???

To me, traffic is more of concern kidnapping. If super busy road, no sidewalks, little iffy on kids in second grade on their own. I do find the comment “loaded with strangers watching” pretty funny in a warped view point of all sorts of people hiding and waiting.

It’s true man...a bunch of strangers!

They exit the bus with the door opening to a sidewalk that leads into the entrance of our neighborhood. It’s a two lane country road in North Georgia. If you’re familiar with the “backroads” of Georgia you’ll understand the type of road I’m talking about.
So the bus stop for the elementary school picks up the neighborhood kids at the end of the street.

I’ve recently noticed that when my neighbors kids get off the bus in the afternoon, there is no adult there to walk them home.

They are the only kids at this stop as well, so that means there are zero adults around period. The bus drops them off at the foot of the road leading into our neighborhood, and the road that intersects with our neighborhood is a very busy one loaded with strangers watching.

So what do you think...child neglect or good parenting? house sits at the top of the hill looking straight down the street and where the bus drops off. My office window looks out over the neighborhood so that I can see all that is going on. Nothing gets by me, I’m like a Hawk!
Showed my wife the shirt, her response was "I don't think you really know what awesome means"

I was trying to remember when I walked home. It was in elementary school, guessing 2nd? Crossed a decent sized neighborhood street, had a key. Home alone for several hours, able to fix my own food. According to Child Services, <12yo in CO is illegal. FL doesn't have a latch key law on age. ? Nanny state.
It's a different world only in the sense that people are more afraid of things now than they were before / kids are more coddled.

Statistically, within the context of OP's thread (ie in the USA), those 2nd graders are safer now than they were before (and that doesn't begin to include improvements in law enforcement to track them down if they were abducted [tracking cell phones / amber alerts / etc...]).