City's NAACP leader accused of falsifying race

In this case it really is. Race is a social construct, biologically every single human is part of a single race. Just like every domestic dog is actually a wolf.

Not entirely.

100% blacks from Africa are usually considered 100% homo sapien. However some geneticists disagree and say that upwards of 13% in certain tribes consist of pre-homo sapien dna from various species. Supposedly there are so many different archaic species in the genetic admixture of Africans that there are more genetic differences between the various African tribes than the rest of the world together i.e. Asians and whites are more similar than Khoi San and Dinka. According to the geneticists who believe in the archaic admixture of Africans, the closest to a 100% Homo sapiens would be the Bantu as they show none of the other archaic human genes that the rest of the world do not have. As far as what archaic species are mixed in with the Africans apparently it is several different depending on the area and they are genetically weaker and disappear when distant tribes intermarry (ie if someone from Tribe A has 10% human 1 and 2% human 2 in their genes and someone from Tribe B has 2% human 1 and 10% human 2 in their genes then the offspring doesn't usually have 6% of human 1 and 2, but usually 2%. Since most of the archaic human admixtures are not favored genetically, most African Americans/American blacks which at the very least usually have multiple African tribes and quite frequently if not always have a percentage of European blood (the average self-identified "black" American not "mixed" in a study was found to be only 79.4% African) then the archaic human portion is usually gone or barely present plus they have a small percentage of Neanderthal from the whites as that is hot genetically disfavored but has survived tens of thousands of years of mixing.

Whites from Europe are about 2-5% Neanderthal depending on the person.

Asians and Native Americans have about 2-6% Neanderthal with the average Asian having 20% more Neanderthal on average than whites. But Asians have more than Neanderthal in them, they have on average 1-7% Denisovan a non homo sapien human species we only know from incomplete skeletons and no cultural or technological remnants. East Asians and Native Americans have the least Denisovan while the Pacific Islanders can be over 7%.

It wasn't just Homo sapiens doing the mixing either. Apparently the Denisovans shared between 1-17% of its genes with Neanderthals and a fairly decent about with the Heidelbergis.

So are we all the same species? Not according to most geneticists. We're all primarily homo sapien but most of us (at least those of us not 100% Bantu) have a little something extra in there as well. I'm a little over an 8th Native American and rest European about half of which is German and the other half Norman/Scots so I have a fair amount of Neanderthal and a very small amount of Denisovan. So I've got at least three species pumping through my veins.
Just goes to show you the NAACP is more of a political group than it has anything to do with 'the advancement of colored people.' Conservative blacks can't find a place in their organization, and the NAACP calls them uncle toms, yet here we have a liberal white woman who is spray tanning her skin dark and perming her hair so it looks black, and Sharpton and his ilk apparently don't have a problem with her 8 year stint playing dress-up.

Just goes to show you the NAACP is more of a political group than it has anything to do with 'the advancement of colored people.' Conservative blacks can't find a place in their organization, and the NAACP calls them uncle toms, yet here we have a liberal white woman who is spray tanning her skin dark and perming her hair so it looks black, and Sharpton and his ilk apparently don't have a problem with her 8 year stint playing dress-up.

Not only that, but Sharpton is blaming her parents.
I think the real question that should be asked here is would you.
Glad she resigned, but she didn't apologize for what she did. Lots of stupid crap like sending herself racist hate mail so she could hysterically report it to police, teaching black hair care seminars. My fave part of all this is the silence on the part of my liberal friends who were screaming that we have to call Jenner Caitlyn because he says so, yet they're so quick to call Dolezal a white fraud. Doesn't that make Jenner a fraud at being a female? He still has a d**k.
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Glad she resigned, but she didn't apologize for what she did. Lots of stupid crap like sending herself racist hate mail so she could hysterically report it to police, teaching black hair care seminars. My fave part of all this is the silence on the part of my liberal friends who were screaming that we have to call Jenner Caitlyn because he says so, yet they're so quick to call Dolezal a white fraud. Doesn't that make Jenner a fraud at being a female? He still has a d**k.

Many transgender individuals feel as if they were born the wrong sex due to a chemical imbalance or a genetic percentage. The mental gymnastics going on w/ this are hysterical. There are people born in this world that have both sexes, there are people in this world that are born albino w/ the skeletal structure you find in Africans and African features. Point me in the direction where there's a white person, born from white parents w/ European heritage who some how spontaneously in utero had a genetic predisposition towards African/black features and skeletal structure.

I highly doubt this chic was born "black" and was always confused as to her race during puberty. This chic seems like your typical white chic who loves black guys and tries to adopt some pseudo black culture. She just took it to another level. As a guy who grew up in a place w/ a ton of mix race dating (not too far from Spokane, WA) and a product of mixed race parents, you see a TON of this type of behavior (but again, never taking it this far). I can thumb through my year book and prom photos from high school and see a lot of white girls who: fake and bake (that iffy orange color), friz their hair out or get cornrows, date ONLY black guys, change the inflection of their voice to adopt their surroundings and take a heavy interest in black culture.

I had an Asian neighbor who's wife was white (Irish or Scottish heritage) and you would see her outside in their front yard in her martial arts dojo gear swinging a stick, a practice sword, numb chucks, going through her judo steps. His house was flooded w/ what you would typically find at the houses of Asian's who were recent immigrants. For example, the Asian kids I grew up w/ in California and Washington St had houses that were ripe w/ Asian culture (pictures, artifacts, decorations) but go to the now grown up kids houses, and there's no difference b/w my house and there's. So I tell the guy I haven't seen a house like this since I was a kid and he pointed to his wife and said " this is all her, I grew up in California bro". This guys' wife straightened her hair and did ninjitsu in the front yard her husband didn't know one single "hye yah!"
This story just continues to fascinate on so many levels.

I figured the Jenner comparison would come, but never did I expect it would be so fervent.

I'm truly shocked at how upset it is making some people that they have to (well not really as there isn't a law against it or any real consequence) refer to someone they'll never directly interact with as female, while being equally upset they aren't allowed to (well not really as there isn't a law against it or any real consequence) refer to someone they'll never directly interact with as black or AA.

In the end though, I think we're really ignoring the real victim(s) in this whole Rachel Dolezal mess, and that's all the men who thought they had checked 'nail a black chick' off on their bucket list.
This story just continues to fascinate on so many levels.

I figured the Jenner comparison would come, but never did I expect it would be so fervent.

I'm truly shocked at how upset it is making some people that they have to (well not really as there isn't a law against it or any real consequence) refer to someone they'll never directly interact with as female, while being equally upset they aren't allowed to (well not really as there isn't a law against it or any real consequence) refer to someone they'll never directly interact with as black or AA.

In the end though, I think we're really ignoring the real victim(s) in this whole Rachel Dolezal mess, and that's all the men who thought they had checked 'nail a black chick' off on their bucket list.
And women were duped too, Tommy. Not only is she bi-Rachel (haha) she also says she's bisexual.
How odd....a society that produces people eager to be a victim.

Ripe for corrupt politicians and big government
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This story just continues to fascinate on so many levels.
I figured the Jenner comparison would come, but never did I expect it would be so fervent.
I'm truly shocked at how upset it is making some people that they have to (well not really as there isn't a law against it or any real consequence) refer to someone they'll never directly interact with as female, while being equally upset they aren't allowed to (well not really as there isn't a law against it or any real consequence) refer to someone they'll never directly interact with as black or AA.

I haven't seen anyone 'upset' in either case, but many have noted the confusing 'politics' and hypocrisy on self identity.

Somewhere, Sylvester McMonkey McBean is trying to figure out how to cash in on this...
What an embarrassment she is. Looks like her whole existence was trying on costumes and taking selfies. And teaching our next generation. Yay
......Whites from Europe are about 2-5% Neanderthal depending on the person.

........Asians and Native Americans have about 2-6% Neanderthal with the average Asian having 20% more Neanderthal on average than whites.

.........It wasn't just Homo sapiens doing the mixing either. Apparently the Denisvans shared between 1-17% of its genes with Neanderthals and a fairly decent about with the Heidelbergis.
So, Would?

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Not sure why this is such a big news story, other than that it plays to the lowest common denominator, which is pretty much the bread and butter of all facets of American news media.

Like really, who cares - this is not national news, at best it's a 30 second clip run 8 minutes into the local news.

Rather than focusing on these, often manufactured, anecdotal societal stories, why not focus the systemic issues impacting our country, their causes and much more importantly how to potentially correct them.

Our media is to lazy to cover discuss real issues and we're too stupid, scared, or complacent to demand it.
No bullshit. Not trying to flame or troll. I actually believe that I would have more opportunity as an African American. I wish I could pull it off.
Not entirely.

100% blacks from Africa are usually considered 100% homo sapien. However some geneticists disagree and say that upwards of 13% in certain tribes consist of pre-homo sapien dna from various species. Supposedly there are so many different archaic species in the genetic admixture of Africans that there are more genetic differences between the various African tribes than the rest of the world together i.e. Asians and whites are more similar than Khoi San and Dinka. According to the geneticists who believe in the archaic admixture of Africans, the closest to a 100% Homo sapiens would be the Bantu as they show none of the other archaic human genes that the rest of the world do not have. As far as what archaic species are mixed in with the Africans apparently it is several different depending on the area and they are genetically weaker and disappear when distant tribes intermarry (ie if someone from Tribe A has 10% human 1 and 2% human 2 in their genes and someone from Tribe B has 2% human 1 and 10% human 2 in their genes then the offspring doesn't usually have 6% of human 1 and 2, but usually 2%. Since most of the archaic human admixtures are not favored genetically, most African Americans/American blacks which at the very least usually have multiple African tribes and quite frequently if not always have a percentage of European blood (the average self-identified "black" American not "mixed" in a study was found to be only 79.4% African) then the archaic human portion is usually gone or barely present plus they have a small percentage of Neanderthal from the whites as that is hot genetically disfavored but has survived tens of thousands of years of mixing.

Whites from Europe are about 2-5% Neanderthal depending on the person.

Asians and Native Americans have about 2-6% Neanderthal with the average Asian having 20% more Neanderthal on average than whites. But Asians have more than Neanderthal in them, they have on average 1-7% Denisovan a non homo sapien human species we only know from incomplete skeletons and no cultural or technological remnants. East Asians and Native Americans have the least Denisovan while the Pacific Islanders can be over 7%.

It wasn't just Homo sapiens doing the mixing either. Apparently the Denisovans shared between 1-17% of its genes with Neanderthals and a fairly decent about with the Heidelbergis.

So are we all the same species? Not according to most geneticists. We're all primarily homo sapien but most of us (at least those of us not 100% Bantu) have a little something extra in there as well. I'm a little over an 8th Native American and rest European about half of which is German and the other half Norman/Scots so I have a fair amount of Neanderthal and a very small amount of Denisovan. So I've got at least three species pumping through my veins.

Kingdoms=Group... Species=Individuals
Scientists have all these complex ways of organizing living things. They look at your physical traits, how you develop as a fetus, or in an egg. They look to see if you are a plant.

Must Make More
But there is one big thing that helps them determine whether you are in the same species as another animal or plant. You are the same species as another being if you can do a really important thing. You can reproduceand have babies. Also, those babies have to be able to have more babies. They have to be fertile.

If you are a type of fern, scientists would know that another fern is the probably the same species if the two ferns can create a similar fern that is fertile. The same rules apply if you are a mouse. Not all mice can have fertile babies together. They can't have babies because there are different types of mice. And of course there is you. You can't have babies with a dog. You can't have babies with a horse. You can't have babies with a monkey that looks a lot like your brother or sister. You can only have offspring(babies) with other humans. You two would be the same species.
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Looks like she is plagiarizing artwork as well. This story gets more awesome every hour.
Hmm..story just got weirder. Looks like her parents might have outed her because she's testifying against her brother in a child abuse case. Gee dear, do we chose to side with the kiddie diddler or the one who pretends to be black?
Must Make More
But there is one big thing that helps them determine whether you are in the same species as another animal or plant. You are the same species as another being if you can do a really important thing. You can reproduceand have babies. Also, those babies have to be able to have more babies. They have to be fertile.

And yet early homo sapiens interbred with neanderthals, and while there may have been a dip in the offspring's fertility, they still were able to reproduce and pass down the neanderthal genes through the human lineage.

Kingdoms=Group... Species=Individuals
Scientists have all these complex ways of organizing living things. They look at your physical traits, how you develop as a fetus, or in an egg. They look to see if you are a plant.

Must Make More
But there is one big thing that helps them determine whether you are in the same species as another animal or plant. You are the same species as another being if you can do a really important thing. You can reproduceand have babies. Also, those babies have to be able to have more babies. They have to be fertile.

If you are a type of fern, scientists would know that another fern is the probably the same species if the two ferns can create a similar fern that is fertile. The same rules apply if you are a mouse. Not all mice can have fertile babies together. They can't have babies because there are different types of mice. And of course there is you. You can't have babies with a dog. You can't have babies with a horse. You can't have babies with a monkey that looks a lot like your brother or sister. You can only have offspring(babies) with other humans. You two would be the same species.

That is a tremendously oversimplified version of what species are and mean. Different species interbreed all the time, that's how you get zorses, wholphins and ligers. The main key is having the same number of chromosomes. If you have differing number of chromosomes then zygotes are not usually created. All of the "great apes" have 48 chromosomes while at some point in our past, one pair of human chromosomes fused and as we have only 46 we could only mate with other 46 chromosomed apes. So when your sperm with its 23 chromosomes tries to align with a chimp or gorilla egg's 24 it cannot match up under normal means. So there's no humanzee or gorillans possible. Weirdly the lesser apes (all of the subspecies and species of gibbon) vary from 52 down to 44 chromosomes depending upon location and isolated population. So although it's. Ever been done, there is a slight potential that humans could procreate with 46 chromosomed gibbons even though they're not that closely related. Fortunately....most gibbons have either 50 or 44 chromosomes.
And yet early homo sapiens interbred with neanderthals, and while there may have been a dip in the offspring's fertility, they still were able to reproduce and pass down the neanderthal genes through the human lineage.
Not arguing. I am saying that the line is gray in what is being referred to as separate species. Dogs vary in size and looks, yet a minute difference in coding makes for this, and they are all the same species.
Not arguing. I am saying that the line is gray in what is being referred to as separate species. Dogs vary in size and looks, yet a minute difference in coding makes for this, and they are all the same species.

Actually dogs are a good example. Most if not all dogs are not a single species but a manmade hybrid of three or four other species I believe.