Comic Strip on Social Class

Cartoon ignores the fact that all of the clothes, furniture, and yes even the silver platter were made by 5 year old Chinese children who live in sweat shop dorms and survive on bread and water.

Seriously, what the F can we do other than acknowledge it? I can't make it better for the poor any easier than I can find a pair of American made shoes.
Everybody with almost no exception has opportunity here and the countless examples of people that came from nothing and are now rich do in fact matter, no matter what the socialists say.

More interesting to me with respecting to determining the success of 'meritocracy' in the U.S. is how immigrant entrepreneurs flourish. The leg up they have on most people is the ability to perceive the opportunities that genuinely exist here.
note: an opportunity isn't simply someone giving you something, its recognizing something is available for the taking.

Some people are born on third, thinking they hit a triple, and never realize how advantageous their life is in comparison to others; and it is that lack of realization that prevents them from supporting anything that might help someone else be born with at least no outs and a 0-0 count, instead of no balls 2 strikes and 2 outs.

Offering intentional walks to the poor isn't going to help their batting average.
Being born on third base really has nothing to do with the efficacy of socialist solutions to human problems.

In real life, the poor kid was raised by a single Mother. If there were no single Mother's, there'd be a LOT less poor kids and a LOT less carjackers.

Obviously we can negate that by just saying that because you were born on third base...
As someone else said, a sense of empathy and desire to understand others can really go a long way.

Another thing many have glazed over in the comic (which I happen to agree with) is the educational opportunities made available to folks of different SES -- and I'm not simply talking about public vs private schools, but also public vs public schools in the same district. This has such a long lasting impact on kids who already have a number of other obstacles to overcome.

If you were born fortunate, don't feel guilt, but do try to help others who were dealt a lesser lot in life.