Congrats to this week's Post of the Week Winner with 51.4% of the vote, @Jon_Reed.
@Jon_Reed 's post in The TEARS are SALTY in Gville:
Of course after the "bad" start for FSU and the typical, "we suck" from the uf fans...
...The tears start to flow on their board.
And guess what? They are SALTY.
Actual responses - copy and pasted - trying to clean up and follow board rules here. (My responses in parenthesis)
"I know Fsu has good recruiters but is Jimbo? That pre game speech was terrible...." (Actually, I thought it was sweet regardless of his voice being out).
"noles are unproven on qb. Here's hoping francois is the second coming of chris rix. lots of surprises this weekend. Let's hope they finally fall back to earth after benefiting from a low point (reference to uf) in college football." (Keep in mind for later.
"Boom. Opening TD for Ole Miss. FSU got beat pretty bad in the secondary on that long pass earlier. They were fortunate to get that shoestring tackle."
"How were those hits on the ole miss receivers not targeting. Both fsu defenders led with helmet."
"Owww! That knee bent quite unnaturally. Whole game will depend on stopping Cook. FSU will live and die with him." (Seriously?)
"It cracked me up when Jimbo was trying to claim that spearing a guy with a knee on the ground wasn't a late hit."
"Ole Miss nasty on D so far"
"I hate that stupid f$%^ing chant so much." (ahhhh...rent free)
"5 penalties in the first qtr and down 7. Great coaching Hugh"
"Cook is the whole team. If he goes down they are toast." (again...seriously?)
"Francois is staring down his receivers big time it's only a matter of time before he throws a pick"
"Ole miss defense is horribly coached" (ohhh...he has no clue how right he is)
"Patrick is a monster, but he doesn't bring that same element to their offense that Cook does. Huge hit for them if they ever lost Cook."
"Jimbo is going to lose if doesn't give it to cook 30 times. Ego."
"Kelly needs to put this drive in the endzone . Francois isnt ready yet"
(In response to ^^^) "Yep. If they can build a lead and put some pressure on Francois to feel like he's gotta be a hero, then OM has a damn good shot. That kid has some nice tools, but he's made some really iffy decisions so far."
"This is fun..." (FSU getting beat)
"Will be interesting... 2 of the highest paid teams in the NCAA playing tonight." (jab at paying recruits)
"Francois is throwing a bit like our QB threw late last season." (LMAOOOOO)
"Jesus, OM is picking this secondary apart."
"C. Kelly freaking gun slinger"
"21-3, Ole Miss. Lovin it."
"Is Ole Miss really this good? Naturally FSU is overrated but I mean they look nasty and fast across the board..."
"Ole Miss looks legit."
"That was a masterful throw on the last TD.. looked like Jim (Kelly) out there."
"And thank God we don't play in the SEC West lol" (Ummm...Sad when you are afraid of competition)
"Lots of confused five stars out there..."
"i enjoy florida state losing more then i enjoy florida winning. something is wrong with me"
"Just ignore my post and enjoy. The have 6 pts...Jimbo doing great."
"Hahaha can we get that rapist some contacts or laser eye surgery? We skrong doe" (reference to JW on sidelines)
"Lol literally laughed seeing that idiot doing his squinting shit that he does so well..."
"Cook now has next to zero chance at the Heisman"
"It's like someone wrote a story satirizing Cook's fumble issues earlier in his career, but took it to an unrealistic extent."
"Chad Kelly could be a heisman contender"
"Where are posters that think these types of OOC games should be played under the current system???? These games are MORONIC! The loser must go undefeated. If this plays out, FSU's season is basically over. Even dumber for Ole Miss, especially in Orlando."
"Ermon Lane has spent a whole lot of time on the sideline lol"
"Can't wait to hear fsu fans talk that SEC bias shit now.....crab boy isn't there to bail you out this time" (uh oh....fighting words?)
"This is fun to watch.. FSU OL getting manhandled and back to their familiar problems. OL, WR making plays, DL getting handled and Passing Defense getting torched. Granted Ole Miss and Kelly are playing lights out, these are same problems they have had in last 10 years except for 2013 Rapist hid their deficiencies.."
And just like that...the tears start to flow...
Very salty...
"What in the hell is that OM safety doing on that TD pass?? He was 7-8 yds deep in the end zone on a ball snapped from the 16?? Wtf??!"
"Too bad our o-line can't hold as much as FSU and get away with it"
"Let me be clear, I want FSU to lose but that was a gusty play by Francios."
"Ole Miss safety standing six yards deep in the end zone on the Seminole (cleaned up) TD. WTF kind of defense is that ? That's taking prevent to a whole new level. Feel free to come onto the field and join the game young man."
"We should expect to win. They have hung their entire program on playing 1-2 meaningful games a year. When they lose one of them, it's a good thing for the game, not just fans who root against them. Also, losing one of heir meaningful games means their prime donnas will more likely quit and drop a couple they shouldn't to one of their cupcakes. So them losing has a domino effect that keeps paying off" (posters name: "ih8f$u" lol)
(In response ^^^) "If they are out of title contention... their draft eligible folks will quit"
"Unfortunately, I can't shake the feeling that FSU pulls this one out." (hey...one genius in the bunch)
"Major choke job (OM)"
"Chad Kelly taketh, and Chad Kelly giveth away"
"luckiest team ever. it would be nice to see them not get every break once in awhile" (same Ihatefsu guy)
"All of this up tempo stuff is really back firing right now too. The Rebs defense is gonna be gassed soon if they're not already"
"Did you see the FSU drive chart it showed a bit ago? OM was apparently gassed halfway through the 2nd quarter. Pathetic."
"Dammit. I thought fsu would handily win but they gave me hope and then rip my heart out" (salty)
"And Francois now with over 300 yds passing...behind an OL that's been picked apart half the night...as a freshman...with more than a quarter of the game left." (tears flowing....)
"Lots of five stars kicking some Ole miss ass now. I think this game will get out of hand very fast." (remember the 5 stars confused comment above? uh huh....)
"I hate them so much." (sea salt or table salt?)
"LDR (Luke Del Rio - their QB) has been in our system as long as Francois has been in there system and there is no comparison. We better hope either Trask, Franks or Allen is the real deal or we may be in for a long couple of years." (Hahahahahahaha...salty!)
"Well ole miss DL is done and FSU defense made good adjustments. This game is over"
"Hugh Freeze just doesn't seem to be a great game day coach. So many times they get down against good teams and it seems like not many adjustments are made. FSU is just tearing up the Rebs defense and the Rebs offense can't even get a first down after the half"
"FSU won't lose a game in conference. Bama would destroy them though." (now now...I dont think so)
"Francois is looking good. Wish Mac could have flipped him!"
"We need to hire f$u's luck coordinator. They always seem to get every single break"
(In response ^^^^) "Luck seems to follow the better teams..." (Hahahahaha...he is down on his own team)
(In response ^^^^) "Have you watched them much the past few years? Im not taking about plays where they hustle and happen to be in the right place. I'm talking about fluke plays where the ball takes a weird bounce and lands right in their hands. They should have lost a couple fumbles tonight but the ball literally hit their player jn the chest. That's not effort. That's luck. That's what they've been living off of the last few years. When they don't get EVERY break, they lose." (always an excuse, cant just say we are a better team then that dumpster fire)
"Watching FSU sling it all over the field makes me want to puke"
"I know it's a bold statement considering Patterson is a true freshman but he's the real deal meanwhile Kelly is a lot of hype due to his past. I really don't think Chad Kelly is good at all. I just saw Farell put up a tweet after the first half on why Kelly is in their top 32 for the 2017 NFL Draft and I laughed a little when I saw that." (now it's CK fault)
(In response ^^^^) "Reply to Farrell's tweet and see what he says now. Lulz"
"Oh how I remember are GLORY DAYS. the more I think about the SETBACK of the MUSHCHUMP years. The BENADICT ARNOLD bullcrap pulled by URBAN MEYER.it's easy as a FAN, to be PISSED OFF! And being PATIENT while this team gets its REBUILD is GUT WRENCHING while watching the ELITE teams CRUISING thru there schedule's is just as TOUGH. There are TIMES when I just wish I didn't give a S&^T!"
"It pisses me off that one miss gave them those three possessions to start the second half. Francois had a good game. We can beat them. Jimbos offenses haven't done a bunch against us. Del rio will be in full go by that game." (Yeah...ok)
(In response ^^^^) "Nearly 500 yds of total offense while taking a beating in his first career college game? Yeah, I'd call that a 'good game' "
(In response ^^^^) "Do I need to jack him off like u seem to be? Good grief man. Quit being so miserable. It's week one. This same staff over achieved last year with terrible qb play. Why not just wait to be miserable after we lose instead of being miserable prior to the loss?" (kids being kids)
(In response ^^^^) "How am I being miserable with that post? The kid (DF12) had an awesome game that any of us would be going bonkers for if it was done in the O&B. I was simply giving credit where it's due."
"Well now we just gotta sit through all this hype that FSU will get for beating an overrated Ole Miss team. For example Herbstreit just said he'd rank FSU #2 behind Bama. Francois definitely deserves hype because he balled out and he is talented."
***Updated with some new comments:
"Sad to admit, but overall they are light years ahead of us. Offensive line advantage FSU, play makers FSU, defense even, quarterback FSU, receivers UF, secondary even, kicking game UF, coaching FSU. Recruiting FSU. Overall FSU."
(In response ^^^^) "Damn EYORE...The only difference between UF and FSU the last 6 years has been the Play of the QBs. Give us Ponder, EJ, EJ, JW, JW , Sean McG and give them.. Brants, Brissett, JD, JD , TH, TH. We would probably be 4-2 or 5-1 (Ponder would have been a better fit in Dizzy's offense.. and Brants would have done well in Jimbo's offense). You are basing it on last night... hmm. Didn't we beat this same Ole Miss team by more and hold them to less? OL - slight advantage... RB yes... QB push... WR push... TE ... US.. DL.. Push .. LB US... DB .. slightly US.. Recruting Yes.... Coaching staff... Push. Light years... if you mean QB play then yes.
"Well, their QB play was excellent last night despite good pressure from ole miss. Our QB play doesn't seem to be that good anytime soon. Glad we don't play Ole Miss this year. That DL would crush us. FSU's DL is going to be a big problem in Tally."
"This is extremely pessimistic and just flat out inaccurate...I'll give you as a whole FSU is obviously better than us right now but I will take our D over theirs as a whole right now...special teams probably a draw...where they pull ahead is o line and great skill position players...we need to recruit better"
"Our offense is nowhere near Ole Miss."
(In response ^^^^) "Agree...but our defense is much better than that shit show of theirs last night at the end of the SECOND quarter and in the second half...obviously, as of right now we would lose to them more than likely...good news is we have the rest of the season for some things to change"
It's gonna be a fun ride this year Nole Nation while the Gville scum is flowing and salty.