Dang, Bob Dylan is old as dirt. Today is his birthday


Veteran Seminole Insider
Mar 5, 2005
and the World Cafe had a good little session about his stuff today.
I saw his Rolling Thunder Revue tour, Tully Gymnasium version, back in the day. It was basically the promo for his Blood On The Tracks album, which is of course my all time favorite.
As a side note, Maria Muldaur did a CD some time back of his love songs and that sister does a version of the Wedding Song that winds my gears.
Maria and Jeff cut a duet album called "Pottery Pie" or something like that; it was terrific. Lost my vinyl years ago,
never seen it available on CD or MP3.
I saw his Rolling Thunder Revue tour, Tully Gymnasium version, back in the day. It was basically the promo for his Blood On The Tracks album, which is of course my all time favorite.

Being slightly younger, I'm jealous that you got to see Bob in that era. I've seen Dylan live five times but not starting until the early 2000s.

The best show for me was outside at the Silver Spurs arena in Kissimmee, which is used for the rodeo. He did a stop there one year (I want to say in 2005) while on tour with Willie Nelson. They didn't perform together but it was still cool to see them both in an outside concert. I was down in the standing section close to the stage and watched most of the show from about 20 ft. away. My only regret is that I was so f*ck*d up that I don't really remember it too well.

At this point, I think I'm done seeing Dylan live. Obviously, at his age, the shows can only be so good and, while Dylan live is definitely an acquired taste, they continue to get a little worse each time I feel. I saw him last year in Orlando's new performing arts center and he closed the show with "Blowin In the Wind." That was a good enough way for me to remember him.
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I saw Dylan in Denver a few years back. He was old then;) After motorcycle accident in 1966 he stayed in my NY hometown for a while - unnoticed - with Robert Thaler a doctor friend. I was dating a girl then who lived two houses down from Thaler's house. He kept a pretty low profile while he was there. Most people didn't realize he was even around.
Being slightly younger, I'm jealous that you got to see Bob in that era. I've seen Dylan live five times but not starting until the early 2000s.

The best show for me was outside at the Silver Spurs arena in Kissimmee, which is used for the rodeo. He did a stop there one year (I want to say in 2005) while on tour with Willie Nelson. They didn't perform together but it was still cool to see them both in an outside concert. I was down in the standing section close to the stage and watched most of the show from about 20 ft. away. My only regret is that I was so f*ck*d up that I don't really remember it too well.

At this point, I think I'm done seeing Dylan live. Obviously, at his age, the shows can only be so good and, while Dylan live is definitely an acquired taste, they continue to get a little worse each time I feel. I saw him last year in Orlando's new performing arts center and he closed the show with "Blowin In the Wind." That was a good enough way for me to remember him.

Like you, I have seen him several times, but not until some time in the 2000s. I had given up on his shows for a while, but I think the best show of his I have seen was about a year and half ago. It was towards the end of a leg of the tour where he started doing a standard set that included a couple of the Sinatra tunes. It seemed like the band was really into the show and had really refined the sound they were trying to get, which had a lot of sonic depth. Dylan was just as engaged and really put effort into each song. Great show. I saw him again six months later doing the same set but nowhere near as good, so you never know what you are going to get. I am going to see him again this summer at Wolftrap, which is a really nice outdoor amphitheater near my home in Virginia. Hopefully, he will be up for that one.
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Like you, I have seen him several times, but not until some time in the 2000s. I had given up on his shows for a while, but I think the best show of his I have seen was about a year and half ago. Dylan was just as engaged and really put effort into each song. Great show. I saw him again six months later doing the same set but nowhere near as good, so you never know what you are going to get.

Yes, you hit it precisely. I've seen him both on and off. I think the last one was one of those where he was sort of phoning it in and it just left me sort of "ehhh" about trying to see him again, esp. since his tickets aren't exactly cheap.
Hate to break this news to you - but if you were at FSU when Tully was the place where they held the big concerts - then you, too, are as old as dirt. o_O
It is pretty obvious that your profession is one of looking at the numbers and cutting to the chase. The precision, oh the eye for many posts did it take to expose that little fact? Nice stuff Sea.
Being slightly younger, I'm jealous that you got to see Bob in that era. I've seen Dylan live five times but not starting until the early 2000s.

The best show for me was outside at the Silver Spurs arena in Kissimmee, which is used for the rodeo. He did a stop there one year (I want to say in 2005) while on tour with Willie Nelson. They didn't perform together but it was still cool to see them both in an outside concert. I was down in the standing section close to the stage and watched most of the show from about 20 ft. away. My only regret is that I was so f*ck*d up that I don't really remember it too well.

At this point, I think I'm done seeing Dylan live. Obviously, at his age, the shows can only be so good and, while Dylan live is definitely an acquired taste, they continue to get a little worse each time I feel. I saw him last year in Orlando's new performing arts center and he closed the show with "Blowin In the Wind." That was a good enough way for me to remember him.
For the first song or two, Bob was in disguise under a big hat and some other gear while a band member pretended to sing lead. It was hot as hades in the Tully, but we had plenty of lubrication with us. In those days, you could bring coolers into concerts...
When we left the show, there had obviously been a big throw down across the street, fueled by a large set of speakers, cooler temps, and no Po Po. In both locations, there was a continual set of "smoke signals" offered to the Rock n Roll gods.
Yes, you hit it precisely. I've seen him both on and off. I think the last one was one of those where he was sort of phoning it in and it just left me sort of "ehhh" about trying to see him again, esp. since his tickets aren't exactly cheap.
Saw him a year ago in St Aug and was really disappointed. Hard to recognize the songs for the most part. He didn't seem to have any energy and of course he's never had much of a voice. Had seen him in the old Jacksonville Coliseum maybe ten years ago and he and the band were excellent. Of course ten years ago I may have been a little more to talk about too
You want to feel old?
Dylan, Jagger, and McCartney are all over 70!
Saw Dylan and The Band in Atlanta (Omni) in 74. One of the top 2 or 3 concerts
I've ever seen.