I feel for you guys that have to go and find plans etc. I know the cost is staggering, the coverage is really not that good and the deductible is insane. Healthcare was a major factor for staying in the Army Reserve when I left active duty and one of the reasons I plan on staying in till I am 60 and because I like what I do. When I retire at 60 free coverage for my wife and I kicks in for life. I pay $210 a month for my whole family and I don't know what our deductible is, but it is low enough that we don't worry about it; same for prescriptions. I tell so many young people that they should think about some type of reserve service as a secondary job. The benefits are so numerous, healthcare, VA assistance for home purchase, education, retirement money, if you choose a job that is in the career field you plan on going into they will pay for additional certifications, healthcare, and they give you a fair amount of free health/dental care just to say current or the reserves.
I am an outlier since I served so long on active duty; but with my own retirement plan an the Army Reserve retirement I should make around 6k a month for just getting out of bed in the morning the day I turn 60 and that doesn't include SS; which I am likely just giving to my kids to help them if they need it. Don't get me wrong there are some draw backs; but that is mainly time and missing family events over the years; but when you weigh the long term benefits it is a no brainer to me. Of course getting a 20 something y/o to see that is hard and I get it I would have been the same way had I not started out on active duty or so long.