Donating tickets to veterans (some resources to assist)


Seminole Insider
Dec 24, 2015
Atlanta, GA
I've seen posts in the past of people wanting to donate their tickets to Vets so I thought I'd share...

Contact the FSU College Veterans Association and they can help with making sure they're donated to a Veteran, they also have a Facebook page.

You can also look up the FSU Student Veteran Center (, Billy Francis or Becky Culp would be where to start, they both do amazing things for vets at FSU and they'll certainly help you out.

Also, you can look into
Its a non-profit that administers the donation of tons of tickets to current service members and veterans. Most of the tickets are donated by artists, concert venues, or the sports organizations but individuals can donate tickets too. If you're a federal employee they are eligible to be donated to through the CFC.

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