It’s somehow equal parts sad, hilarious, and infuriating.
I remember a few weeks ago when the cases were going up, these folks were like “but the deaths but the deaths” And were promptly told that deaths would likely follow in 2 weeks since that was the model for how long it took for people to die of complications. Now we’re here and they are still trying to twist themselves into mental knots to downplay, deflect, and obfuscate.
I may have been one of the ones who said...let's see the deaths in a couple or three weeks. And now, the deaths are up. Even if the media is not reporting accurate dates of deaths (they aren't). Some of these ~230 deaths reported today happened a couple of weeks ago, and the numbers get more clarity.
But the trend is still up. Period. Anyone who denies that is not thinking clearly and wants to be right, not seek the truth. (I also want to be right, but want to find the accurate truth here.)
I'd like to add a couple of other points....
1) testing is WAY up. Deaths as a percent of tests and positive tests is way down. This is a good trend. And no one should ignore it. It adds context. If we were testing 1000 people a day and 200 are dying, that's horrific. We're testing how many thousand a day? Again complete context is important.
2) there are still issues with deaths and coding of those deaths. AND AND AND there are likely SOME deaths that are NOT coded as Covid that should be. So, it's probably a push there.
3) who are those that are dying? Where are they? Like, are they in nursing homes (tragic, yes) or are they young kids (would be more tragic, IMO). These details matter to give full context to what's happening. If all the deaths are happening in Miami in LTC homes, Pensacola needs to behave differently than other Miami LTC homes (as an example).
4) This virus is going to do it's can't stop it. No one will. So, we have successfully relieved the hospital system, for the most part, and MANY MORE people are recovering vs dying. the curve has been flattened, and you're not going to prevent all deaths.
5) deaths are up even as the mask wearing has gone up. This makes me think (no stats, just opinion) that it prob doesn't work. A T-Shirt over your face ain't getting the job done.
Lastly, I hate this whole GD thing. It sucks. I'm sick of it, and of course I don't ignore posts like this and continue to participate......