I think the common thread here isn't profanity on nickelodeon (lol) or parents washing their kids' mouths out with soap -- it's a general lack of focus and consequence.
Kids these days (great now I sound old) aren't focused on what they need to be doing because for many there's nothing they need to be doing. They go to some mediocre school with mediocre teachers, get mediocre grades and go to a mediocre college, land a mediocre job (yes, I've oversimplified). Never properly challenged these kids are left to their own devices and wind up experimenting with their own stupidity by eating laundry detergent in middle school and butt-chugging vodka in college. Imagine these kids channeling that curiosity into the sciences, arts, whatever suits their passion. We don't challenge kids to find their passion, we don't challenge kids to do much beyond a check-the-box list of things we think will get them in the the university we deem adequate for them (and our own social standing).
And consequence, since the dawn of time kids have done stupid crap, but a thousand years ago stupid crap would get you killed and 50 years ago stupid crap would get you beaten with a belt, 20 years ago stupid crap would get cost you TV privileges. Today stupid crap gets you internet famous for 2 days, which is the only attainable challenge these kids think they have. Parents are busy with work and then too busy with their own mobile devices to spend proper one on one time w/ their kids - opting out of their own convenience not to properly punish them for stupid crap b/c it would create more of a headache for themselves.
At least that's my highly generalized, 40% inaccurate, set of observations from seeing other people with kids. I'm currently blessed to not have any of my own eating up my Tide, which by the way is too damn expensive!
I guess the difference I see is those of us that survived, ended up getting jobs and growing up. None of us became millionaires. Except the jacka$$ crew. If you wanna argue about it you can