This is a borderline troll right? Anyway, your view of this is entirely why people are questions police officers. So you have to beat down the "suspect" now for it to be excessive force? What a joke. It's been reported that the suspect they were looking for is wanted for credit card fraud. There hasn't been any reports about that person being violent. With 5 undercover cops on the case don't you think this officee could have walked up and told Blake that he was being held because he fits the description of a suspect? Just because the NYPD apologized doesn't make it go away. You know what they could do more? How about police their own kind and offer better training so that crap like this is avoided. Believe me, it will do police officers good in the long run. It isn't good to piss off the people.
What was excessive? Grabbing a guy's arm and taking them to the ground to complete the arrest? I agree that they messed up in regards to taking down the wrong guy, and that it was a huge mistake. But as far as excessive force goes, not a chance. Just because a guy is wanted for credit card fraud, doesn't mean he doesn't have a violent past. With five officers assigned, makes me believe that it might have been a little bigger deal than normal.
Your comment about me policing ourselves is wrong. There were a lot more wrongs than rights in this incident, but excessive force isn't one of them.
What do you believe is excessive force?