Fans in the Stands!


Seminole Insider
Mar 29, 2002
Personally I believe the stands will be packed out! The beaches are full, the pools are full, this past weekend the lakes were full, so I believe fans will pack the stadium of their favorite football team come this fall. Our Government to some degree has tried to scare everyone in such a way to hide in the closet, but as you can see when they open up our States we go back to our lives doing what we like to do that makes us happy, so I believe our stadiums will be full because football makes us happy, and we will root for our teams because that's what we do as Americans. We love football, basketball, baseball, hockey, soccer, and etc. so as long as they ( the Government ) we will pack the stadiums, the arena's, and the fields, so after seeing what happened this past weekend, I have no doubt, the stadiums will be packed if given the opportunity. So buy your tickets, and pack the stadium, Go Noles!
Since season ticket holders are less than 30K put them and maybe 8-10K students. That’s around 50% capacity

Is that 30,000 seats or 30,000 season ticket holders? I am sure that all season ticket holders have at least two seats and many have a few to many more than that, especially boosters. It will be interesting to see how this shakes get it down to 30,000 fans at a game, they could have to limit attendance to boosters and cap their number of seats. Are there any ideas being floated yet?
As much as you want to think so, universities aren't going to overrule the advice of doctors and epidemiologists and there is no way they are going to ok anything resembling a packed stadium to start off the year. Maybe by years end if everything is still on the up and up but the science will have the final say here not message board posters
Personally I believe the stands will be packed out! The beaches are full, the pools are full, this past weekend the lakes were full, so I believe fans will pack the stadium of their favorite football team come this fall. Our Government to some degree has tried to scare everyone in such a way to hide in the closet, but as you can see when they open up our States we go back to our lives doing what we like to do that makes us happy, so I believe our stadiums will be full because football makes us happy, and we will root for our teams because that's what we do as Americans. We love football, basketball, baseball, hockey, soccer, and etc. so as long as they ( the Government ) we will pack the stadiums, the arena's, and the fields, so after seeing what happened this past weekend, I have no doubt, the stadiums will be packed if given the opportunity. So buy your tickets, and pack the stadium, Go Noles!
Until it spikes again and we revert to panic mode, which is what the public tends to do. I believe social distancing at sports events is a reasonable policy. Can't close everything down, and can't live like this thing is not a serious issue or it doesn't exist, it's real.
Personally I believe the stands will be packed out! The beaches are full, the pools are full, this past weekend the lakes were full, so I believe fans will pack the stadium of their favorite football team come this fall. Our Government to some degree has tried to scare everyone in such a way to hide in the closet, but as you can see when they open up our States we go back to our lives doing what we like to do that makes us happy, so I believe our stadiums will be full because football makes us happy, and we will root for our teams because that's what we do as Americans. We love football, basketball, baseball, hockey, soccer, and etc. so as long as they ( the Government ) we will pack the stadiums, the arena's, and the fields, so after seeing what happened this past weekend, I have no doubt, the stadiums will be packed if given the opportunity. So buy your tickets, and pack the stadium, Go Noles!
I do not really want to debate with you. However my concern is that we can finish what we start. I do not think the behavior of our citizenship this weekend is a good indication that we can get things back to normal. A little circumspection at this point is probably wise. Reckless abandon might set us back. I want to complete the season if we start it and some caution might be advised to accomplish that goal.
I do not really want to debate with you. However my concern is that we can finish what we start. I do not think the behavior of our citizenship this weekend is a good indication that we can get things back to normal. A little circumspection at this point is probably wise. Reckless abandon might set us back. I want to complete the season if we start it and some caution might be advised to accomplish that goal.
What happened this weekend that was reckless?
What happened this weekend that was reckless?
There were numerous events that showed people partying at levels pre pandemic. I am all for opening things up but if we want to get to where we can have people in stands at football games and play well into winter we need to be somewhat cautious now. What I saw was a lack of caution. Whether you consider yourself young or healthy does not matter. We need to keep slowing the spread of this virus as much as possible.
There were numerous events that showed people partying at levels pre pandemic. I am all for opening things up but if we want to get to where we can have people in stands at football games and play well into winter we need to be somewhat cautious now. What I saw was a lack of caution. Whether you consider yourself young or healthy does not matter. We need to keep slowing the spread of this virus as much as possible.

The virus is attenuating and an argument can be made that the lock downs have had little if any effect on that as evidenced by Sweden and Japan. The median age of death in America is 80 years old for COVID-19 with the vast majority of fatalities being people over 65 who have comorbidities. In fact approximately 40% of all COVID-19 deaths have occurred in nursing homes or long term care facilities. On 5/24/20 the CDC released their latest infection fatality rate projection of being just .4% or lower. So lets stop listening to the panic induced fear porn and get back to living our lives. I think most rational people would have no issue doing ANYTHING in life with just a .4% of dying. If you're elderly especially with comorbidities and have a greater chance of dying, as you would have a greater chance of dying anyway just based on those factors alone, then you need to asses the risk and make an appropriate choice to do what's best for you. Life is all about risks.

In the immortal words of Andy Dufresne: " I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying."
The virus is attenuating and an argument can be made that the lock downs have had little if any effect on that as evidenced by Sweden and Japan. The median age of death in America is 80 years old for COVID-19 with the vast majority of fatalities being people over 65 who have comorbidities. In fact approximately 40% of all COVID-19 deaths have occurred in nursing homes or long term care facilities. On 5/24/20 the CDC released their latest infection fatality rate projection of being just .4% or lower. So lets stop listening to the panic induced fear porn and get back to living our lives. I think most rational people would have no issue doing ANYTHING in life with just a .4% of dying. If you're elderly especially with comorbidities and have a greater chance of dying, as you would have a greater chance of dying anyway just based on those factors alone, then you need to asses the risk and make an appropriate choice to do what's best for you. Life is all about risks.

In the immortal words of Andy Dufresne: " I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying."
Actually you need to multiply that rate times .65 as they reported in the same report that 35% do not have symptoms. So .26%. And you need to keep in mind that is for the entire population, and the IFR for those over 70 is many times higher than those under 50. Finally there is lots of evidence that there are more without symptoms than 35%, especially in the under 40 crowd shown in most of these pictures of Memorial Day partiers.
As much as you want to think so, universities aren't going to overrule the advice of doctors and epidemiologists and there is no way they are going to ok anything resembling a packed stadium to start off the year. Maybe by years end if everything is still on the up and up but the science will have the final say here not message board posters
Yeah, because the advice of the epidemiologists has been so Like public policy guided by science is self evident?
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The virus is attenuating and an argument can be made that the lock downs have had little if any effect on that as evidenced by Sweden and Japan.

While this may be true, our healthcare system cannot handle the massive number of patients that would suddenly overwhelm our emergency rooms. I'm still haunted by the refrigerated trailers that were parked outside the hospital just blocks from my home in Brooklyn. There was simply no where to store all of the dead bodies, and that was with a lock down in place.
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While this may be true, our healthcare system cannot handle the massive number of patients that would suddenly overwhelm our emergency rooms. I'm still haunted by the refrigerated trailers that were parked outside the hospital just blocks from my home in Brooklyn. There was simply no where to store all of the dead bodies, and that was with a lock down in place.
NYC was not and is not typical of the rest of the country.
While this may be true, our healthcare system cannot handle the massive number of patients that would suddenly overwhelm our emergency rooms. I'm still haunted by the refrigerated trailers that were parked outside the hospital just blocks from my home in Brooklyn. There was simply no where to store all of the dead bodies, and that was with a lock down in place.

Never were the hospitals in NYC or anywhere else for that matter overwhelmed. No one says that that they weren't stretched thin in NYC, but they weren't overwhelmed. Nowhere else in America were they even stretched thin. Maybe if the Governor of New York didn't mandate that COVID-19 patients return to nursing homes via executive order a lot of those trailers wouldn't have been needed. The Javits Center was barely used and The USS Comfort only used 80 beds in totality during the height of the pandemic at the absolute epicenter of it (NYC). I bet you didn't step inside those refrigerated trailers to know exactly how many deceased were in there nor did the media. There's something called being prepared and that's why those trailers and the Javits Center and USS Comfort were brought in. 158 people die everyday in NYC on average without a pandemic. Almost 5,000 die in a month in NYC with no pandemic. Do those facts scare you?

Crazy how everyone needs to eat and everyone went food shopping to single big box stores in droves everyday and thousands upon thousands of grocery store employees across our nation weren't dropping like flies from COVID-19. Again look to Sweden and Japan (did not have lock downs) as solid evidence that lock downs did little to anything to quote "flatten the curve". There's been no evidence at all to prove lock downs did anything to significantly mitigate this virus. In fact especially in high density places like NYC it may have made it worse by forcing people (family)together into enclosed places.
Never were the hospitals in NYC or anywhere else for that matter overwhelmed. No one says that that they weren't stretched thin in NYC, but they weren't overwhelmed. Nowhere else in America were they even stretched thin. Maybe if the Governor of New York didn't mandate that COVID-19 patients return to nursing homes via executive order a lot of those trailers wouldn't have been needed. The Javits Center was barely used and The USS Comfort only used 80 beds in totality during the height of the pandemic at the absolute epicenter of it (NYC). I bet you didn't step inside those refrigerated trailers to know exactly how many deceased were in there nor did the media. There's something called being prepared and that's why those trailers and the Javits Center and USS Comfort were brought in. 158 people die everyday in NYC on average without a pandemic. Almost 5,000 die in a month in NYC with no pandemic. Do those facts scare you?

Crazy how everyone needs to eat and everyone went food shopping to single big box stores in droves everyday and thousands upon thousands of grocery store employees across our nation weren't dropping like flies from COVID-19. Again look to Sweden and Japan (did not have lock downs) as solid evidence that lock downs did little to anything to quote "flatten the curve". There's been no evidence at all to prove lock downs did anything to significantly mitigate this virus. In fact especially in high density places like NYC it may have made it worse by forcing people (family)together into enclosed places.

Preach! Meanwhile suicides, drug addictions, domestic violence, missed cancer screenings, worldwide starvation, etc. continue to increase exponentially. History will show this lockdown to be the greatest mistake of our time.
I don’t see much of a chance that stadiums will be full this season. But it’s also still May. So, who knows?

I do wonder if there are socially distancing guidelines this season - stadiums can only be 1/3 full for instance - what conferences and schools will do next year. Will FSU get a cut of the gate from the road games at Clemson and UF since they only got to have 1/3 capacity when they played them at home?
Or is FSU just SOL for its two biggest money making games on the schedule?
Never were the hospitals in NYC or anywhere else for that matter overwhelmed. No one says that that they weren't stretched thin in NYC, but they weren't overwhelmed. \

Tell that to the families of the 100,000 people who have died in the past 2 months. My point is had we not locked down the city and told people to wear masks I personally believe the crush on our hospitals would have been much worse, as do the experts that get paid to analyze these situations. That said, we'll have to agree to disagree.
Good point, NYC is far more prepared for an outbreak like this.

They are now better prepared than they were
a couple months ago. NY governor should look at his entire state and apply logic and reason to social mitigation. Up state New York might as well be Wyoming with it's number of cases / deaths, but is being treated like downtown NYC.

He has errored early and often in his judgements. We should not look to NY as a lesson of "what to do" in any regard during a pandemic.

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This wasn't meant to start a war or an argument, I just thought we should have the right as citizens to decide if we want to attend sporting events if we want or not especially the way people were carry away this past weekend. I realize people have difference of opinions, but at the end of the day I hope we can say we are friends and Nole Fans, God Bless you all.
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Panic porn, that's adorable. Tell that to the families of the 100,000 people who have died in the past 2 months. My point is had we not locked down the city and told people to wear masks I personally believe the crush on our hospitals would have been much worse, as do the experts that get paid to analyze these situations. That said, we'll have to agree to disagree.

"I Personally believe" I think your quote says it all.

Those "experts" you refer to like Neil Ferguson who headed the Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team in Great Britain which was the primary international model for the lock downs has been thoroughly discredited and his model based on faulty data....oh and he has been relieved of his position for leaving his lock down to go tag his mistress even after he was COVID-19 positive. Do as I say not as I do kind of guy.

Or our you referring to the "expert" created model that was created by University of Washington that had erroneously predicted 2.2 million deaths from COVID-19 and has been been revised numerous times downward.

Or maybe the "expert" in chief Dr. Fauci who stated this in January of this year, "But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.” or saying this to a Senate panel last week "If states or cities or regions" disregard the government's "checkpoints" on when it's safe to pull back from mitigation measures, Fauci said that "there is a real risk that you will trigger an outbreak that you might not be able to control, which, in fact, paradoxically, will set you back, not only leading to some suffering and death that could be avoided, but could even set you back on the road to trying to get economic recovery." Followed by saying this in an interview just a few days ago, "We can’t stay locked down for such a considerable period of time that you might do irreparable damage and have unintended consequences, including consequences for health,” Well what is it Dr. Fauci? I guess after being in government work for 40 years you've got to talk out of both sides of your mouth.

How can you can you forget in In February and March when all the "experts" told us there is no need to wear masks. Just wash your hands and social distance. Now, "everyone needs to wear masks."

You keep listening to those "experts" though.

"I Personally believe" I think your quote says it all.

Those "experts" you refer to like Neil Ferguson who headed the Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team in Great Britain which was the primary international model for the lock downs has been thoroughly discredited and his model based on faulty data....oh and he has been relieved of his position for leaving his lock down to go tag his mistress even after he was COVID-19 positive. Do as I say not as I do kind of guy.

Or our you referring to the "expert" created model that was created by University of Washington that had erroneously predicted 2.2 million deaths from COVID-19 and has been been revised numerous times downward.

Or maybe the "expert" in chief Dr. Fauci who stated this in January of this year, "But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.” or saying this to a Senate panel last week "If states or cities or regions" disregard the government's "checkpoints" on when it's safe to pull back from mitigation measures, Fauci said that "there is a real risk that you will trigger an outbreak that you might not be able to control, which, in fact, paradoxically, will set you back, not only leading to some suffering and death that could be avoided, but could even set you back on the road to trying to get economic recovery." Followed by saying this in an interview just a few days ago, "We can’t stay locked down for such a considerable period of time that you might do irreparable damage and have unintended consequences, including consequences for health,” Well what is it Dr. Fauci? I guess after being in government work for 40 years you've got to talk out of both sides of your mouth.

How can you can you forget in In February and March when all the "experts" told us there is no need to wear masks. Just wash your hands and social distance. Now, "everyone needs to wear masks."

You keep listening to those "experts" though.
“We must build makeshift hospitals to treat the tens of thousands who will fall ill!” “We are closing the hospitals because they were empty.”

“The health care systems will be overloaded and collapse!” “Doctors and nurses are being furloughed because the hospitals are empty.”

“Face masks are ineffective against this kind of disease.” “Everyone must wear a face mask!”

“The hot humid weather will kill this thing.” “It will only lie dormant. The second wave will be worse.”

“They are exaggerating the number of covid deaths.” “They are underestimating the number because so many deaths are hidden.”
Tell that to the families of the 100,000 people who have died in the past 2 months. My point is had we not locked down the city and told people to wear masks I personally believe the crush on our hospitals would have been much worse, as do the experts that get paid to analyze these situations. That said, we'll have to agree to disagree.

That is of course debatable. What isn't debatable is how bad it was in NYC. 44% of current deaths occurred in NY,Conn, and NJ mostly in and near NYC. If you look at the CDC numbers, you see infections (percent positive, ED visits) peaked week 12 which was the middle of March, the exact week NY applied shelter in place rules on a Thursday I think. CDC says 6-8 days from infection to symptoms, another 3-5 days from onset of symptoms to hospital visit, and a 2-3 day lag in testing/reporting. That's 11-14 day lag, so the peak happened before shelter in place could have any effect by 2 weeks. The Columbia Study said closing schools and universities had no affect nor did limiting size of crowds, although on peer review my bet that study gets revised quite a bit. The reason why NYC was so much worse than other places is still not clear, but for sure that decision to send Covid patients to the nursing homes looms large in reasons.
"I Personally believe" I think your quote says it all.

Those "experts" you refer to like Neil Ferguson who headed the Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team in Great Britain which was the primary international model for the lock downs has been thoroughly discredited and his model based on faulty data....oh and he has been relieved of his position for leaving his lock down to go tag his mistress even after he was COVID-19 positive. Do as I say not as I do kind of guy.

Or our you referring to the "expert" created model that was created by University of Washington that had erroneously predicted 2.2 million deaths from COVID-19 and has been been revised numerous times downward.

Or maybe the "expert" in chief Dr. Fauci who stated this in January of this year, "But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.” or saying this to a Senate panel last week "If states or cities or regions" disregard the government's "checkpoints" on when it's safe to pull back from mitigation measures, Fauci said that "there is a real risk that you will trigger an outbreak that you might not be able to control, which, in fact, paradoxically, will set you back, not only leading to some suffering and death that could be avoided, but could even set you back on the road to trying to get economic recovery." Followed by saying this in an interview just a few days ago, "We can’t stay locked down for such a considerable period of time that you might do irreparable damage and have unintended consequences, including consequences for health,” Well what is it Dr. Fauci? I guess after being in government work for 40 years you've got to talk out of both sides of your mouth.

How can you can you forget in In February and March when all the "experts" told us there is no need to wear masks. Just wash your hands and social distance. Now, "everyone needs to wear masks."

You keep listening to those "experts" though.
It appears as if you are saying that continued learning should not be applied... I can't see any way that is a wise course to follow.
The virus is attenuating and an argument can be made that the lock downs have had little if any effect on that as evidenced by Sweden and Japan. The median age of death in America is 80 years old for COVID-19 with the vast majority of fatalities being people over 65 who have comorbidities. In fact approximately 40% of all COVID-19 deaths have occurred in nursing homes or long term care facilities. On 5/24/20 the CDC released their latest infection fatality rate projection of being just .4% or lower. So lets stop listening to the panic induced fear porn and get back to living our lives. I think most rational people would have no issue doing ANYTHING in life with just a .4% of dying. If you're elderly especially with comorbidities and have a greater chance of dying, as you would have a greater chance of dying anyway just based on those factors alone, then you need to asses the risk and make an appropriate choice to do what's best for you. Life is all about risks.

In the immortal words of Andy Dufresne: " I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying."
Not sure who is in error but I cannot figure out your numbers. I read the article you attached. Currently we have 1.8 million infected. adding 35 percent more people would bring that number to 2.5 million. 105K dead is not .4 percent of that number. It is 4 percent of that number. Pretty big difference. If 105K is the correct total dead .4 percent would mean 26 million infections. I am not an expert at math but it seems to me most of you would think less of my math if I were a mathematician. I am aware there are lots of tests being done for antibodies. I believe Florida is reporting around 4 percent positive on antibody testing indicating that those 4 percent were exposed to the virus. However these are based off reports of people seeking these test through commercial outlets. It is reasonable to assume that many of these people had a reason to seek a test such as contact with an infected person or the recovery from a respiratory illness. Also 44 percent of that antibody result was from South Florida which bore the brunt of the virus infections. It is likely that the true number of people in the state with antibodies is much much lower than 4 percent. I do not see any way 26 million people which is 8 percent of our population has been infected to this point.
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Not sure who is in error but I cannot figure out your numbers. I read the article you attached. Currently we have 1.8 million infected. adding 35 percent more people would bring that number to 2.5 million. 105K dead is not .4 percent of that number. It is 4 percent of that number. Pretty big difference. If 105K is the correct total dead .4 percent would mean 26 million infections. I am not an expert at math but it seems to me most of you would think less of my math if I were a mathematician.

Again, the CDC has been estimating IFR and CFR for decades. They have a system that includes both PCR testing and Antibody testing along with ED visits and hospitalizations and actual deaths which they sample to make sure they are actual Covid deaths and not some other type of deaths. They also use excess death models. The release last week was their first release for Covid. Each future release will get more accurate, but don't expect it to go higher as they usually trend lower.

Using simple math on two variables is not a correct method for estimating IFR. You are wasting your time, but of course, you can continue to do it, but no one will or should believe your numbers over the CDC.

As to the antibody testing, logics suggest they will go up week to week as more people come in contact with the virus and we get a few more weeks past peak infection (it can take up to a month for antibodies to form in the body to the degree tests will pick it up). There are also some technical issues that are being refined or just was refined. Currently there is a large increase in week to week antibody testing going on around the country which will overcome any statistical weakness due to low numbers.

And by the way the latest weekly accounting for Covid and ILI surveillance numbers came out from the CDC and demonstrates continuing decreasing of Covid illnesses now almost down to base line at the start of the pandemic. That is why you see most Governors starting to open up.