Flirting vs Harassment


Mar 29, 2002
Given the climate in today's world, does flirting become a dangerous thing? Now obvious harassment is not the question, we all know that. What say ye.
Impossible to say. I could say "that dress looks great on you" and Mary would take it as a compliment, where Sue would scream harassment.

The cavemen probably experienced the same thing.

“Me hit Oka on head with mammoth bone, she quiet. Me hit Siki on head with rock, she yell.” (shrugs)
Dating seems to have gotten a whole lot trickier IMO with today's sexual harassment climate.
You mean at work? Best just to keep the flirting out of it.
That would seem to be the obvious answer. On the other hand, at my place of business there are quite a few couples who met their mate at the workplace. It all comes down to reading the signs and not being a pest if your flirtation isn't welcomed.
I wasn't specifically talking about work but that would seem like the most obvious danger zone.
I think of sexual harassment as something that occurs in the context of the actual or potential employment relationship (manager seeking sex for a raise or promotion, hostile workplace, etc).

Outside of work seems to me there's a range of possible conduct from flirting on one end of the spectrum to assault or rape on the other. One side is mostly harmless, the other obviously not. Persistent flirting is a problem though, if you're not getting the message.

So to your original question about saying "That dress looks great on you!" I'd never say in to a coworker (especially if you were her manager), and really don't see the issue saying it outside of work. Unless of course you said it after whipping out your johnson or to a woman you have trapped in your hotel room.
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In my opinion, a lot of it has to with status, age difference, and power coupled with unwanted physical touches and aggressive innuendo. So, the 48 year old married office manager touching the 26 year old female sled dog on the shoulder and saying “that outfit really shows off your rocking body” is harassment. The single 26 year old male fellow sled dog saying, “You look nice in that dress” is flirting.
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This threads always have great potential, then you have the usual suspects show up and ruin the fun.
Yeah, I'm still bitter about my thread poking fun at our wives getting locked...
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I wasn't specifically talking about work but that would seem like the most obvious danger zone.


Def agree with nothing at work. Job isn't worth the risk IMO.

Baby steps with flirting has never lead me astray. Couple may have thrown the hook if I'd set it harder, but never had one cry foul.
It all comes down to reading the signs and not being a pest if your flirtation isn't welcomed.
...just fired our site manager...and HR didn’t even flinch for a second. He left a single rose on a female employees windshield. She freaked...claimed stalking...went to security...pulled the video and he’s gone 2 days after the “rose ceremony”. She is in another building and they had spoken 10 words to each other prior.
...just fired our site manager...and HR didn’t even flinch for a second. He left a single rose on a female employees windshield. She freaked...claimed stalking...went to security...pulled the video and he’s gone 2 days after the “rose ceremony”. She is in another building and they had spoken 10 words to each other prior.

I hope karma is awful to that woman.
Depends on how good looking you are

You'll notice the guys getting nailed for this are all old and unattractive....I've yet to hear any complaints about Brad Pitt, George Clooney, or any of the other GQ dudes who are idolized by the tabloids....
...just fired our site manager...and HR didn’t even flinch for a second. He left a single rose on a female employees windshield. She freaked...claimed stalking...went to security...pulled the video and he’s gone 2 days after the “rose ceremony”. She is in another building and they had spoken 10 words to each other prior.

Wow - that’s extreme.
...just fired our site manager...and HR didn’t even flinch for a second. He left a single rose on a female employees windshield. She freaked...claimed stalking...went to security...pulled the video and he’s gone 2 days after the “rose ceremony”. She is in another building and they had spoken 10 words to each other prior.
I don't know. That's a pretty stalker-ish move if there's never been more than pleasantries exchanged. I'd be weirded out if a woman I barely knew left a teddy bear or something on my car. Especially if she's a Schnauzer.
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In my opinion, a lot of it has to with status, age difference, and power coupled with unwanted physical touches and aggressive innuendo. So, the 48 year old married office manager touching the 26 year old female sled dog on the shoulder and saying “that outfit really shows off your rocking body” is harassment. The single 26 year old male fellow sled dog saying, “You look nice in that dress” is flirting.
Either of those men could avoid it by saying simply "what a nice dress". No reference to the wearer at all.
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How times have changed. I can remember in the mid 90's working in an office of about 5 guys and 20 women and the sexual jokes were mandatory and acceptable. I was married so I don't remember saying anthing in a sexual manner, and up until last week, being with the same woman for 27 years, I don't think I've said anything out of line to any woman. There are a bunch of women that I know that I would say something like "thanks, Babe" to, but I don't even do that anymore.
How times have changed. I can remember in the mid 90's working in an office of about 5 guys and 20 women and the sexual jokes were mandatory and acceptable. I was married so I don't remember saying anthing in a sexual manner, and up until last week, being with the same woman for 27 years, I don't think I've said anything out of line to any woman. There are a bunch of women that I know that I would say something like "thanks, Babe" to, but I don't even do that anymore.

You get some fresh tail last week?
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