Florida medical Marijuana


Sep 29, 2005
does anyone have any experience with medical Marijuana in Florida? Is it only the thcless variety? If it is only the variety without the head high then I probably won't bother. Its very difficult to travel Even short trips to drs, i already have to see the pain doc once a month for my oxy adding another dr for pot would have to be worth it and I need the head high to escape this miserable existence.
This is not Snoop Dogg’s CVS. You’re not rolling in armed with your prescription and picking up an ounce of bud like it’s Seattle, and you’re on your lunch break. Hell, you’re not even picking up a package of minty-delicious brownies like in some other medicinally-legal states. What you’re getting now are extracts, oils, and tinctures. Rules on edibles are coming at some point, but the Department of Health is moving about as quickly on this as a hurried Jay Cutler, so don’t hold your breath. The rules on flowers (bud) may change too, according to Berke. But for now, you can’t buy anything smokable at a Florida dispensary in any kind of quantity.

I copied that from a what you need to know websites about Florida Medical Marijuana. You get thc but not flowers or edibles yet. Basically vapes.
well that's good then I can't smoke or eat ineed the oil. I just want to know if it will get me high or not.. I have ALS if I could still get high it would be a welcome escape from reality
can you please explain the drops to me, just something I put under my tongue?
My ex-girlfriend has got her card, it costs ~$400 to get said card, but you get half off your first purchase............and according to her they have THC also.

well that's good then I can't smoke or eat ineed the oil. I just want to know if it will get me high or not.. I have ALS if I could still get high it would be a welcome escape from reality

It should get you high from what I've heard, but my friend doesn't have first hand experience with respect of that........where exactly do you live?
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Insurance won't buy your weed because Feds still have it Schedule I.

This is the part where you borrow money from the guys who own casinos and we see if the house really wins in the end.
my brother has a coke problem I'll see if I can get some tincture. Tincture is what I need right?
You should have just had this guy drop by on his way to Palm Beach:

That guy is as useless as he is crazy.
This is the friend indeed:

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Will thc even dissolve in tincture?
THC is a lipophilic drug and is highly soluble in oils. Most companies extract the cannabinoids via hydrocarbon (ethanol, butane, etc) extraction to get the oils. These oils can then be mixed with any oils to make tincture. Most use coconut oil. The cannabinoids also are soluble in ethanol so some tinctures are ethanol based or have ethanol in them. If glycerine alone appears on the ingredient label then the answer is no...THC will not dissolve in the tincture.
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my brother has a coke problem I'll see if I can get some tincture. Tincture is what I need right?
It depends.
For chronic pain you are trying to replace opioids as the front line treatment. As any casual marijuana user can attest, the inhalation route of administration (smoking) provides a faster onset where edibles have a slower onset but the effects are longer lasting and most times more powerful. This is due to the lipophilic nature of the drug. It gets stored up in fat deposits and then gradually released back into the bloodstream as the normal cycle of fat burning...that's why you can detect THC in the urine for up to a month.
The tincture is designed to be absorbed into the oral mucosa (mouth). This route by passes 1st pass metabolism which takes place in the stomach. The intended result is to mimic the onset time of inhalation however that's not been what I've seen. We typically will recommend, for those who can't wait an hour, a vape for immediate pain relief followed by a tablet (not out in Fl yet) for longer lasting effects (2-4 hrs).
Another piece of advise. Don't forget about the CBD. It's not psychoactive like THC but it does work with the other cannabinoids in targeting the pain receptors in the body.
I know the last couple of months my BIL was on morphine like every 4 hours. He had a port I believe. The whole thing sucked big time. I would have done anything to help him out. You should look into if there are any studies you could participate. The only good thing that came out of my BIL situation was he got to go to the super bowl with Steve Gleason when it was in Indy.
You build up tolerance to opioid medications not to just oxycodone.
Beside oxycodone is really mild compare to some of the medications that are readily available.
Beside oxycodone is really mild compare to some of the medications that are readily available.

What else is out there that's far stronger than oxy's? When I was dealing with MRSA (6 surgeries over ~18 months while I was at FSU) I was getting 60 40mg oxycontins & 120 10mg Lortabs every month, and then for ~8 years afterward I was getting 120 10mg Methadones every month.........I was basically a functional junkie for the better part of a decade. I detoxed off of Methadone last summer and have been trying to just live with my spasms......but I've probably smoked more in the last ~8 months than in the last 3-4 years. What's funny is that I had to do drug tests every ~6 months or so through my pain management doctor and I never once popped for smoke........I've always wondered if it was because I've been mostly vapping for last few years.
What else is out there that's far stronger than oxy's? When I was dealing with MRSA (6 surgeries over ~18 months while I was at FSU) I was getting 60 40mg oxycontins & 120 10mg Lortabs every month, and then for ~8 years afterward I was getting 120 10mg Methadones every month.........I was basically a functional junkie for the better part of a decade. I detoxed off of Methadone last summer and have been trying to just live with my spasms......but I've probably smoked more in the last ~8 months than in the last 3-4 years. What's funny is that I had to do drug tests every ~6 months or so through my pain management doctor and I never once popped for smoke........I've always wondered if it was because I've been mostly vapping for last few years.

Towards the end of Mom's hospice care for cancer, she was getting pure morphine shots to add to her 120 mg Oxy daily doses.
What else is out there that's far stronger than oxy's? When I was dealing with MRSA (6 surgeries over ~18 months while I was at FSU) I was getting 60 40mg oxycontins & 120 10mg Lortabs every month, and then for ~8 years afterward I was getting 120 10mg Methadones every month.........I was basically a functional junkie for the better part of a decade. I detoxed off of Methadone last summer and have been trying to just live with my spasms......but I've probably smoked more in the last ~8 months than in the last 3-4 years. What's funny is that I had to do drug tests every ~6 months or so through my pain management doctor and I never once popped for smoke........I've always wondered if it was because I've been mostly vapping for last few years.

Have you tried the THC/CBD creams? Our friend that had back fusion surgery and was nearly paralyzed because of degenerative disk issues at age 38 says it's very good at localized pain management.
What else is out there that's far stronger than oxy's? When I was dealing with MRSA (6 surgeries over ~18 months while I was at FSU) I was getting 60 40mg oxycontins & 120 10mg Lortabs every month, and then for ~8 years afterward I was getting 120 10mg Methadones every month.........I was basically a functional junkie for the better part of a decade. I detoxed off of Methadone last summer and have been trying to just live with my spasms......but I've probably smoked more in the last ~8 months than in the last 3-4 years. What's funny is that I had to do drug tests every ~6 months or so through my pain management doctor and I never once popped for smoke........I've always wondered if it was because I've been mostly vapping for last few years.

Are they even testing or concerned if you do test positive for pot?
Are they even testing or concerned if you do test positive for pot?

They tested for it alright (they tested for EVERYTHING).............and I doubt they would have said anything if I tested for it, which is why I wasn't worried about it and kept smoking


Have you tried the THC/CBD creams? Our friend that had back fusion surgery and was nearly paralyzed because of degenerative disk issues at age 38 says it's very good at localized pain management.

It's not my back.......because of the MRSA much of my right buttuck muscle is gone, so it's the bone of skin contact which causes the spasms. Yes, I feel the pain and pain I can live with, it's the !@#$ing spasms that suck a big one.
What else is out there that's far stronger than oxy's? When I was dealing with MRSA (6 surgeries over ~18 months while I was at FSU) I was getting 60 40mg oxycontins & 120 10mg Lortabs every month, and then for ~8 years afterward I was getting 120 10mg Methadones every month.........I was basically a functional junkie for the better part of a decade. I detoxed off of Methadone last summer and have been trying to just live with my spasms......but I've probably smoked more in the last ~8 months than in the last 3-4 years. What's funny is that I had to do drug tests every ~6 months or so through my pain management doctor and I never once popped for smoke........I've always wondered if it was because I've been mostly vapping for last few years.
Morphine - weak
Hydromorphone - 8x times stronger that MOR 10X if given IV
Fentanyl - Big daddy
Morphine - weak
Hydromorphone - 8x times stronger that MOR 10X if given IV
Fentanyl - Big daddy

But all of those are IV related...........I don't believe my pain management doctor will prescribe anything stronger than oxy/methadone. The CDC wrote a White Paper last year that for chronic pain no one should be on anything stronger than 100mg morphine (equivalent) per day. For example, I was on 40mg methadone/day which was ~120mg morphine (equivalent) per day and they were going to start pulling me back, but the 40mg/day methadone I was on wasn't controlling the pain/spasms. So I told my doctor that we should get me off it completely that way we can explore other non-opiate avenues of controlling the pain/spasms, so I spent 13 days in a treatment facility last August detoxing off of methadone. Which is a whole other story, it was like summer camp for druggies (with a bunch of little hotties everywhere) was actually kind of fun, as crazy as that sounds..
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But all of those are IV related...........I don't believe my pain management doctor will prescribe anything stronger than oxy/methadone. The CDC wrote a White Paper last year that for chronic pain no one should be on anything stronger than 100mg morphine (equivalent) per day. For example, I was on 40mg methadone/day which was ~120mg morphine (equivalent) per day and they were going to start pulling me back, but the 40mg/day methadone I was on wasn't controlling the pain/spasms. So I told my doctor that we should get me off it completely that way we can explore other non-opiate avenues of controlling the pain/spasms, so I spent 13 days in a treatment facility last August detoxing off of methadone. Which is a whole other story, it was like summer camp for druggies (with a bunch of little hotties everywhere) was actually kind of fun, as crazy as that sounds..
Two things
Opioids aren't for muscle spasms antispasmodics are for muscle relaxers.

40mg methadone is for drug addicts trying to kick the heroin habit.

Your in P'Cola? no offense to my hometown but P'Cola has a helluva pill-mill problem.