Flu Shot


Ultimate Seminole Insider
Gold Member
Jun 24, 2002
Got mine yesterday. Make my 14th year in a row. Haven't had the flu yet and only a couple of colds. Who else is getting one or not?
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Same here. Usually get it in October. Can't remember when I last caught the flu.
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Yep every year.

The shot I get contains 4 strains, Fluzone. Pretty much an educated guess on the strains each season.
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Too late!!

...... too many sick damn people out there.

I did get my flu shot 5 of the last seven years, so I am going to sue CVS on Fillmore and Nevada. THEY gave it to me. I didn't realize it was already that time of the year.
Maybe you have a weakened immune system. Have you been checked for aids lately?

Got one for probably the last 10 years. Last year got the flu at the end of the season. It was a mild form of the flu and did not KO me.
You may have already been getting sick when you got the flu shot, or had some minor side effects, but the flu shot does not have live viruses, so it can't give you the flu.
The flu mist vaccine does. That being said, I get my vaccine every year. I'll get mine next month when I get my physical.
The flu mist vaccine does. That being said, I get my vaccine every year. I'll get mine next month when I get my physical.

Correct. The nasal spray is a live, attenuated still can't give you the flu.
Absolutely not.

I eat my fruits and vegetables and walk through a day care on daily basis to make sure my immune system is, and stays, in tip-top shape.
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Will never get the flu shot again.
I got the flu shot twice in my life and both of those years I got a severe case of the flu. Since then, never had the shot and have not had the flu since.
Stupid question but is the flu shot free? And where can I get one?

This is life on a bare bones health care plan. $14k out of pocket before the health insurance company spends a dime.
I have gotten them in the past, but never again. Look up "frozen shoulder". I had about ten months of shoulder pain that I couldn't identify or explain until I heard about frozen shoulder. It's finally passed, but I'd rather have the flu than have that again.

Maybe I'd do the mist though.
Stupid question but is the flu shot free? And where can I get one?

This is life on a bare bones health care plan. $14k out of pocket before the health insurance company spends a dime.
A lot of insurance plans will cover for free or little cost. They would rather pay for the vaccine than pay for a hospital stay.
Same. I've always heard the strain they vaccinate you for is always different than the one that starts going around.
This is true however if you get the vaccine every year you should over time gain some immunity to most all strains and their variants.
During my time overseas I came down with a flu that kicked my ass. I mean we're talking Captain Trips here.
Never again I hope.
Hell no. The big 3 vaccine producers are co-owned by a secret hedge fund that also owns Monsanto and the vaccines are designed to induce cravings for genetically-modified foods.

No thanks!
My wife is an accomplished, well known virologist (if you care about the field...big fish, small pond). Getting close to the time of year where she loses her mind rebutting the "the flu shot gave me the flu" comments that will be flying around. :) Bragging over.

If you don't feel well after getting the shot, it's just an immune response to the shot itself (which is the point). As others have said, you can't get the flu from the shot (not even from the attenuated live virus).

PSA over.
I get one every year but met a pharmacist that got one last year and contracted the Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS). Really tore her up and she's recovering from it still. Attacked her from the top down and the way she talks from the side of the mouth is like the batman villain, two-face. I'm not sure if she'll fully recover or not but makes me think twice now
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