Game of Thrones: Season 7 Finale

I'm still confused on the timeline regarding Jon's parents. I didn't think Rhaegar was old enough to be near the same age as Ned Stark. I thought it was the Mad King that wedded Lyanna. Then JS and DT would be cousins, not aunt/nephew.
Then you fast forward to Dany and Rhaegar's exile and they appear to be no more than 10 years apart.
It may have been in the books, but I believe Rhaegar is/was ~15 years older than Dany...perhaps it was even more than that. I'm not certain now.

EDIT: I think I was way off. Here's a good reddit discussion on the matter:

The first response says: "Rhaegar was born about 39 years prior to the start of the story, and died during Robert's Rebellion at age 24. At that time, Viserys was 7 and Daenerys had not yet been born.

By the start of the story, Viserys was 22 and Daenerys was 14 in the books. They aged one or both of them up in the show."
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It may have been in the books, but I believe Rhaegar is/was ~15 years older than Dany...perhaps it was even more than that. I'm not certain now.

EDIT: I think I was way off. Here's a good reddit discussion on the matter:

Well Lyanna must have been much younger than Ned if that's the case.

Just read the reddit and it makes sense. The question is, why would they use the same actor(if they did) to play both brothers? They looked just alike to me. That's what was confusing.
Well Lyanna must have been much younger than Ned if that's the case.

Just read the reddit and it makes sense. The question is, why would they use the same actor(if they did) to play both brothers? They looked just alike to me. That's what was confusing.

It wasn't the same actor (the joke is that they used the same wig). Rhaeger was much older than Dany and Viserys. And yes, Lyanna was younger than Ned.
Well Lyanna must have been much younger than Ned if that's the case.

Just read the reddit and it makes sense. The question is, why would they use the same actor(if they did) to play both brothers? They looked just alike to me. That's what was confusing.
Different actors. I'm sure it was on purpose to make them look similar. They are brothers afterall and Rhaegar is talked about like a celebrity/rock star so it would make sense that his younger brother would try to emulate his look and hairstyle after him.
Random musings...

I thought I read somewhere that Bronn was a Mormont (or at least grew up under their banner), but there was no interaction between him and Jorah at the powow. Will be interesting when Jorah gets to Winterfell if Lyanna Mormont is still there.

Someone mentioned Bran's visions being admissible evidence: while they may take his word (or eventually do), I think the bigger point is the guilty person's reaction when he drops a truth bomb on them.

While Cersei may or may not actually be pregnant, I'd wager that Jon just knocked up Daneryus.

Good point above about the useless Theon scenes leading to the discovery of Euron & Cersei's trick play. Euron's instructions must've been to just be a jerk for the entire meeting (not too difficult) and eventually find a reason to leave - the wight made it easy for him. Problem is that Theon & Co. will be sailing in the wrong direction, would've had a better chance of encountering him if they followed the crew's original plan of sailing east and taking over an island.

I know they are supposed to be an elite fighting unit, but I don't see how the Golden Company can be game changers if Cersei only bought 20,000 troops.

With Gendry's return this season, I think the Out of Sight, Out of Mind leaders are Robin Arryn and Da'ario, both of who could come into play after recent events (death of Baelish and Jon/Dany hookup). Is there anyone else that we haven't seen in a while?
I have never seen anything about Bronn being a Mormont. And Jorah has no interest trying to take back his claim on his household. He still feels the shame he brought. One reason he didn't accept Longclaw from Jon.
R was certainly as old as him or close. They were late teens or early twenties during the rebellion. Danys mom was Rs mom but she was late born. She was born while the family was basically exiled at DS at the end of the rebellion. Dany and Jon are basically the same age but her mom was much older. More like her mom was late 30s early 40s and Lyana was in her teens.