Gas stations in Tallahassee question


Gold Member
Aug 28, 2016
Just want to know if there is a fuel shortage in Tallahassee.

I know the answer to this question, I just need confirmation for the wife so that she feels better about driving up from Orlando for the game. She thinks we aren't going to find fuel and that we are gonna get stuck in Tallahassee.

Not right now but plan to tank up on arrival if necessary to eliminate the we leaving fillup congestion.
No. I was actually empty this am so stopped. Waited about five minutes. That said the panic is starting. It’s ridiculous.
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Sort of a mixed bag when I went out for lunch. I imagine tomorrow and into this weekend it's going to get crazy. The city's already getting that "OMG WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE LET'S BUY EVERYTHING" vibe.
I just need someone to say that there is plenty of fuel and no shortages in sight. I wanna go to the game....
Depends on where you buy gas in Tallahassee from what I am hearing.
All the stations have been packed for me... my corner stations were slammed last night and out of Mid grade and premium but still had regular and diesel. Today I went to 3 stations, 2 were pretty insane, the 3rd wasn't bad. Had to wait a few minutes and they had all grades of fuel.... they will get refills, it's just the people that are nutso getting 100's of gallons of gas when they need like 10. If I was coming from outside of town I'd simply try to get a full tank an hour to 30 minutes outside of tally anyplace that doesn't seem too busy. Just get it when you can and I don't think you will have any issues.
I passed a number of stations coming home from the office and there was normal traffic. All had gas.
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I'm not it Tally but I have a really hard time believing there won't be gas. Fill up as soon as you get into town or at a small gas station on the way up and/or wait until a non busy time like early in them morning.
Busier than normal, but nothing insane. It’ll get worse though.
Towards the end of the workday today many gas stations were starting to have lines out of their parking lots. Saw at least 10+ this way between Monroe St. east to Capital Circle and south to the Parkway.
I passed three gas stations on the way to work today. One had a bit of traffic at it. The other two had practically nobody. But that was this morning.
not yet .. no fear of storm

probably will that peoples thinking over the weekend - at this point all good
Gas will continue to flow into Tallahassee through the weekend. Crazy People will panic now and then be all set for the weekend.
We are driving up today from Central Florida and need to be able to fill up while there in order to get back. It is already difficult to find gas down here. Thanks in advance.
The mini gas run yesterday is a form of group sociology not unlike what happens on TC every day.
Agreed. But will there be gas is the question. I.plan on coming from Tampa area, but kind of need to know if I'll be able to get home or not before I leave.
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I just came into town from Lake Jackson area on Monroe. Was checking stations out. All were open, all had customers, but no lines. I filled up. Things seemed fine all the way to Tennessee Street.
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All stations on my way to work this morning (thomasville rd south to Tharpe st) seemed be completely normal. The circle k at Kerry forest and Shannon lakes is out of non-ethanol, but that’s not likely an issue unless your getting gas for your generator or boat. Plenty standard fuel and normal lines.
Just want to know if there is a fuel shortage in Tallahassee.

I know the answer to this question, I just need confirmation for the wife so that she feels better about driving up from Orlando for the game. She thinks we aren't going to find fuel and that we are gonna get stuck in Tallahassee.


Download the GasBuddy app on your phone and you'll always know which stations have gas and at what price. Came in handy last year during Hurricane Michael.
Just filled up at Costco in Tallahassee. Was only on line 4-5 minutes, which is better than most state payday Fridays. Oh, and price is $2.34/gallon. I’d gas is not an issue at all in Tallahassee.
Hope you didn’t wimp out. I made the trip from Fort Lauderdale. Brought 2 full gas cans and left them at my cousins house in Orlando just in case.