"Used profanity in a loud, boisterous manner." Cripes, that is normal conversation there.
My favorite Orange Bowel adventure - back when Testaverde was their qb, I went down for our regular season game there. They were better than us, we played tough, but they pulled away in the 2nd half. After the game we're walking back to our car. This old beat up car is driving by, stops, and the passenger window opens up. An old hag that had to be mid 70s leans out the window, gives us a double fisted middle finger salute, and starts screaming, cussing us out. Years on the golf course have made me a pretty accomplished cusser, but she threw together combinations of swear words I've never thought of mixing together. And that was after they WON comfortably.
I guess this loud, boisterous cusser might be the old bags great granddaughter,