Going Postal


Apr 2, 2002

Okay,,,thats' ugly
Looks tall enough to walk inside (for most carriers anyway). Big positive. A lot of their vehicles have been a pain for those guys to use.
Looks heavier duty too.
Yep. They are making a push to get bigger into packages and this looks to be a good choice. I have seen postal carriers running on Sunday’s in the last several months, apparently with some partnership gig via Amazon.
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Great, now I won't hear Lenny "Creeping Death" Jones my demented mailman when he runs my ass over.
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USPS went from almost bankrupt to the busiest they have ever been thanks to online shopping.

They are running 7 days a week 2 drops a day if needed. We even have folks dropping packages off in their everyday car. It’s all hands on deck over there these days.

I think the new rig looks way better than hunk of junk they are driving today.
Not sure if they could deal with the snow or inclines here in CO but I think they are a great idea, especially with how often they are running now. Thanks a lot Amazon Prime.