Ha! I just went through this last November with one of my HOA's. The documents will determine what you need. So, out of 1200 homes, 200 were not eligible because they are delinquent in their assessments and have been notified they were ineligible? That reduces the 75% threshold. Ordinarily if all 1200 were eligible, 900 would have to have voted in the affirmative. If 1000 only are eligible then 750 would have to vote affirmative. It assumes all owners would vote, but remember those who don't return their ballots are counted as a "no" vote.
Did you get a third party to count the votes? We asked a Manager from a different community to open the vote envelopes, call out the results and three other neutral people in the room did tallies. They cross checked at the end and agreed on the count.
You should email me and I can get more info from you to be more specifically helpful.
I guess you can send me a private message on this board now? If not respond and put in your email and I'll be in touch. I would love to know the details on this because this issue keeps raising its head in one community I have. This definitely sounds like a big deal. If the owners bought into a golf and club community and it closes down, the value of the homes can fall by as much as 40%.