GoT: s5-e5. Kill the Boy

That's a great question.

Spoilers Follow (and this is on iPhone so I can't do the spoiler box)

Stop reading if you're a bibliophobe as they haven't bothered to give any of these details and just left the real killer of Jon Arryn unknown.

Most of the intrigue in Westeros is directly tied to the hands of Littlefinger (who killed Jon Arryn via Lysa poisoning her own husband), Varys, Olenna Tyrell and Melisandre. Only Melisandre is tied to one of the gods (that we know of, Varys may well be as well). So I don't think there's been any indicators that Olenna or Littlefinger are tied into the gods and their actions would either be NOT directly part of the gods schemes against each other OR they've been acting more indirectly than the rest of their actions.

That was covered on the show. Before Littlefinger killed Lysa it was explained that Lysa poisoned Jon Arryn at Littlefingers request.
That was covered on the show. Before Littlefinger killed Lysa it was explained that Lysa poisoned Jon Arryn at Littlefingers request.

Ah, I guess I forgot that they did reveal Littlefinger was behind Arryn and Ned's deaths.