Handmaid's Tale on hulu


Ultimate Seminole Insider
Gold Member
Aug 9, 2002
You guys seen this show?

That was some dystopian stuff that I can unfortunately see some folks getting behind.

New season starts in April.
Show has won multiple awards. Don't have Hulu but that is a huge win for them. Not sure it's our thing though enough to sign up for it.
Show has won multiple awards. Don't have Hulu but that is a huge win for them. Not sure it's our thing though enough to sign up for it.
One month free trial. Can knock off 10 eps in no time.

I signed up for hulu to watch some Tanya Harding documentary after watching I, Tanya (good movie btw) and then figured I'd binge the rest of their content, which is when I stumbled upon Handmaid's Tale.
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I thought Handmaid's Tale was outstanding.

Reliable, if you're still on the Hulu free trial, check out a series called Cardinal. Only six episodes in first season, and I thought it was very well acted. Hadn't heard about it till I was just surfing around in there.

I'll probably use Hulu Live as my sub for cable, having just gotten my latest increase ($120 a month) from current provider.
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