Has anyone watched the new series "Man in the High Castle" on Amazon Prime?

Jun 13, 2003
I really enjoyed the first episode. Amazon has ordered it to become a new exclusive series on Prime. It explores what the U.S. might be like if the Germans and the Japanese had won World War II. The Germans are in control of the eastern U.S. and the Japanese control west of the Rockies. The Rockies themselves are a "neutral zone". Good characters and plot twists in the first episode.
Re: Has anyone watched the new series "Man in the High Castle" on Ama

Originally posted by RRtrackdawgson:

Do they just have the Pilot at this point?
Yes....watched it wanted to watch more and couldn't :(
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: Has anyone watched the new series "Man in the High Castle" on Ama

I thought it was the best of the pilots they released in January. Haven't heard when the remaining episodes will be shot and then released.
Re: Has anyone watched the new series "Man in the High Castle" on Ama

No, but we watched a few episodes of Alpha House last night, we thought it was pretty good. I was laughing
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: Has anyone watched the new series "Man in the High Castle" on Ama

Ah. So the concept from the novel by Philip K Dick. Will check it out.
Re: Has anyone watched the new series "Man in the High Castle" on Ama

Alpha House is good. I watched both seasons

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