How much television do you watch per week?

Formerly Rockymtnole

Ultimate Seminole Insider
Feb 9, 2013
Quick Google search says average is somewhere about 22 hours per week or so. Curious whether the LR is above, below or about average.
I watch at night but not as much as I used to. I have certain shows I like, but I don't sit down and veg out for hours.
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I watch at night but not as much as I used to. I have certain shows I like, but I don't sit down and veg out for hours.
~1 hour per night during the week + 6-8 hours on the weekend watching soccer and/or FSU.

Now… If you asked how many hours do I spend wasting time on the Internet, I would say the number is close to incalculable.
Maybe 1-2 hours a night during the week. On the weekend probably closer to 6-8 hours a day. There are some days though that I don't watch at all, and maybe one day a month I watch closer to 12 hours during the day.

I do typically have the TV on all day long for background noise, but I hardly ever go into the family room & watch it.

As Les stated, I probably can't calculate the amount of time I waste on the internet each week.
Quick Google search says average is somewhere about 22 hours per week or so. Curious whether the LR is above, below or about average.
On average that's probably about right for me.

2-3 hours/night during the week (9 or 10pm to around midnight)

On the weekends, it can vary greatly depending on the weather and what we've got planned. Could be hardly any, could be a full day of movies and stuff.
Couple hours a night right now because of the playoffs. I could go without all week if it wasn't for the live sports. My wife likes to have the TV on just about all the time even though she really doesn't watch anything. It usually works out well for me though because she will flip through a few channels, not find anything to watch and put on the game.
Sunday night is heaviest, AFV, 60 minutes and typically something on HBO.

Football on Saturday and Sunday when in season.

Maybe 1-2 hours a night outside of that. At most I’ll do one episode of family feud downstairs during dinner and then maybe one episode of Shark Tank before bed in my room. I try to catch nightly world news.

I’ll binge watch the hell out of a show if I find a good one.

Kids own the tv outside of the above.

Mickey Mouse Club House
Paw Patrol
Curious George
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I'll usually watch whatever the family has on at the end of the day - usually 1-1.5 hours. It's gotten so difficult to find anything watchable that I'll often not even turn on the TV when I'm staying in a hotel.
I spend more time looking at this damn phone. Whether it’s email for work, Warchant, Fb, or reading pointless blogs.

It’s really out of control to be honest.
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About an hour a week during non football season. That is if you are just referring to television shows and programming. If including movies, then add another 4-5 hours to that. Still well below the average. Once football season starts it is increased significantly to watch football games.
Usually none. When I get sick I binge on a netflix season of something.

I burn some daylight on the internets though, facebook and here. I have two computers opened most time. One for work, and one for time wasting.
Quick Google search says average is somewhere about 22 hours per week or so. Curious whether the LR is above, below or about average.

22 hours is a little high for my wife (ie what I watch during normal nighttime hours) as we probably watch 2.5 hours M-Thurs and about 3 hours on Sun with very little tv watching on Sat outside of college football season. So probably 13-14 hours a week when not traveling or during football season.

Now I watch more because I mainly work from home so I’ll have %*%*y superhero and syfy shows I don’t REALLY like (and shows like Homeland and FTWD my wife hates) and I probably have it on in the background another 3 hours a day M-F. So I’m probably at 28-29 hours a week excluding college football season.

During football season add in 8-12 hours for me.
Probably on 3-4 hours a night. I like the background noise. I don’t really care what’s on. I’m usually on the internet or reading once the kids are in bed around 9 and turn the tv off at about 11 - 11:30
Probably too much and I don't feel the slightly bad about it. Oh and Google probably knows exactly how much I watch.
DVR Pardon the Interruption and Highly Questionable, and usually get to watch those after kids go to bed. Never just watch them, but they’re good background when doing something else on my computer.

That’s the way I am with about any TV. It’s background while I’m doing something else. Edit to add, I find the shows like Homeland and Scandal laughably bad, but my wife loves that stuff. Our shared guilty pleasure is First 48 and Homicide Hunter.

Most of the time it’s background noise when the kids are playing inside. Disney Jr and Nick Jr, with Dr Pol and other wildlife gore thrown in for good measure is what they watch.
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I would be way below the 22 hours. Maybe an hour or less each night and then a 3-4 hours on the weekend depending on if I watch any games. If not for sports, probably would not turn on the TV most days.
It really depends on the time of the year and what is on. My four year old son is insistent on playing baseball everyday, so that takes time away that I use to watch TV. (This is a good thing as it gets me off my butt and he isn't becoming a couch potato). Probably 1-2 hours a night during the week and a few on the weekends.
One of my mother's favorite shows is Keeping up Appearances.
I've never watched that show. I'm a Masterpiece Theatre fan, along with BBC hits like Call The Midwife, The Durrells in Corfu, and Last Tango in Halifax.
I watch TV for about two hours a night after my wife goes to bed, maybe three hours on a weekend. TV rarely comes on before 9 or 9:30, although a couple times a week I might run an episode of The Simpsons or Arrested Development with the kids. My wife doesn't watch any TV at all anymore, absolutely zero, and it's not something we really do as a family. So probably 16 hours a week?

But then when football season hits, it's at least 12 hours on Saturday, and often a few hours on Sunday.
Less than 4 hours during the work week. Couple hours on weekends. We limit screen time for our kids and just don't have time to sit down and watch much TV, even if we DVR stuff. Not unusual at all for the TV in the family room, basement, or master bedroom to not come on at all during the work week. If I'm home, the TV in my office will probably get the most use, and then it's on a music channel.

Sports, especially football season is a whole different story. My 7 y/o loves watching football and we've started watching ATL United games on weekends.