"Hunting Ground" producers caught violating Wikipedia user agreement by

Hey I tried to wake the board up about this without putting the film title in the thread title. This has to open up an opportunity for legal action. At least I hope so. Considering starting an advocacy group for the falsely accused
This makes me sick!! On Sunday night, CNN will actually air this farce again and drag innocent men through the mud. FSU/Winston should sue this Alva person and sue the Hunting Ground..
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Here is Edward Patrick Alva...
"The Hunting Ground" director's last name definitely fits! I will say that much.
Sounds like fsu and it Jameis should go after them. It's not okay to push a false agenda while slandering a univerisity ruining the good name of a former player
The narrative is changing, the comments by people are showing that there's some shady tactics around her camp and those she associates with.
The author or that article is a recent FSU grad, and she's a rising star in conservative journalistic circles and the blogosphere. Regardless of political affiliation, good for her.
It's all pretty disgusting.

So the purpose of that movie was what exactly? Be advocates for rape victims on college campuses? They did an absolutely lousy job on that and there is plenty of actual cases. Maybe the actual reason was just profit the whole time.
From what I understand it's a difficult case to make. He's a public figure. It'd be great if his team could clear the hurdle though.

I think he's trying to say in that letter is CNN knows it's a false one sided hit piece designed to falsely paint Jameis as guilty. That's why they included those emails from the shows producer to Kinsman attorney. That is a smoking gun.
I think he's trying to say in that letter is CNN knows it's a false one sided hit piece designed to falsely paint Jameis as guilty. That's why they included those emails from the shows producer to Kinsman attorney. That is a smoking gun.

I read it. I'm rusty on tort law for sure but I think "malice" is necessary. I don't remember what all that could include though. I get the airing of knowingly false stuff (tox report) but I don't know if that clears the bar.
The only shocking news in that article is that Patricia Carroll has an email account and knows how to use it.
I read it. I'm rusty on tort law for sure but I think "malice" is necessary. I don't remember what all that could include though. I get the airing of knowingly false stuff (tox report) but I don't know if that clears the bar.

No clue on that lol. Guess we'll have to have an attorney chime in. I'll keep my day job.
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I am not an attorney but I would think Winston and FSU could file slander charges.
I should be clear: I'm going off of 1st year torts class and I have no desire to do that kind of work so I probably shouldn't have commented. I remember the case name (Sullivan) but not the exact elements.
This is interesting...

A second e-mail from Amy Herdy, dated February 12, 2014, asked accuser Kinsman’s lawyer whether she was “ok with us sending [to Jameis Winston] the official request this week” for an interview. Herdy added: “I’m sure he will say no . . . and then I want him to have a gap of a couple of weeks to get complacent because then we will ambush him.”

Read more at:
Love it. It's about time Jameis and his lawyers fight back. This BS case has caused this kid a lot of money. He doesn't get commercial opportunities from it. It's caused a lot of people in this world to dislike him for BS reasons. Erica, these filmmakers, and everyone involved have unfairly and unjustly tried to ruin a young mans career. I hope they fight back, and I hope they win
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Good for him!! Now that the Glazers have a vested interested in his success, hopefully they can use some of their muscle to help fight against these malicious allegations and misrepresentations.
Good. I've seen the commercial many times on CNN as I watched the channel to catch up on what was going on in Paris. I hope they go after them and win.
Amazing. At the end of the day, I'm just happy Jameis was the #1 pick, and is a starting NFL QB, instead of sitting in a prison cell.

I hope karma comes around to all the people who tried to ruin his life.
Jameis and the other Winston, (the Harvard student that was innocent) should both sue CNN, the producer, and director for putting this piece of garbage out.....
Need input from the Lawyers on the board...

Does JW have grounds for a defamation suit against CNN?

What is the likelihood of success if a case like that were to ever go to trial?

Is there any chance in hell CNN caves and pulls the plug on airing the movie?


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