I just got my 7th covid vaccine!

Because viruses mutate. There’s absolutely no guarantee kids won’t be affected by currently emerging strains.
“Among the 4.4 million COVID-19 deaths1 reported in the MPIDR COVerAGE database, 0.4 per cent (over 17,400) occurred in children and adolescents under 20 years of age. Of the over 17,400 deaths reported in those under 20 years of age, 53 per cent occurred among adolescents ages 10–19, and 47 per cent among children ages 0–9.” From UNICEF.
Well, I did CHECK MY FACTS. Do you understand that "0.4%" = 0.004? That means 4 in 1,000 "deaths by covid." That's not 4 in 1000 people died; that's 4 in 1,000 OF the Covid deaths. 4 in 1,000 is practically a rounding error. Especially since we know that anyone who died, for any reason, while they tested positive for Covid, was considered a "Covid death." Deaths by cancer, organ failure, injury, etc, were considered Covid deaths if they tested positive for Covid. It also counts those who died as a result of the shot. Ironic, isn't it?

When viruses mutate, they almost always mutate into a less deadly form. Just as Covid has. You can look that up. It's pretty basic immunology. Also, "there's absolutely no guarantee" you won't die in a car crash this month. That's a ridiculous threshold.
I'm not sure it's useful to interact with Brian on Covid shots. He started this thread by announcing, "I JUST GOT MY 7TH COVID 'VACCINE!!!'" He's just as pleased as punch, and wants to share the 'good news.' A true Covid evangelist. "Shots before, shots now, shots forever!" He likely plans to get annual flu and Covid shots every year for the rest of his life, and would like very much for you to get them every year, too. 'Because they are good for you. The CDC says so.'

And by all means, don't research the phrase "regulatory capture." And don't research what congressional hearings revealed about Pfizer's emergency use authorization application data. And don't look into the fact that Pfizer never even claimed their shot would reduce the number of people who would get Covid, and never claimed the shot would stop transmission of the virus if you were infected. Definitely don't ask yourself why, if the shots were "safe and effective," Pfizer was given complete immunity for any damages done by the shots. Definitely not that.
It's not just the CDC, it's the vast majority of doctors in America that support the vaccines.

They're not "unscientific, immoral and wrong."
Yes, the 'vast majority of doctors supported' the shots. For the reason I mentioned.

Do your own research, and see what you think about the CDC guidelines/recommendation, for example, of giving children 2 years old and younger Covid gene therapy. Especially before you evangelize. I have. I leave you in peace on this topic.
Yes, the 'vast majority of doctors supported' the shots. For the reason I mentioned.

Do your own research, and see what you think about the CDC guidelines/recommendation, for example, of giving children 2 years old and younger Covid gene therapy. Especially before you evangelize. I have. I leave you in peace on this topic.

I'd rather trust educated people on the subject.
Well, I did CHECK MY FACTS. Do you understand that "0.4%" = 0.004? That means 4 in 1,000 "deaths by covid." That's not 4 in 1000 people died; that's 4 in 1,000 OF the Covid deaths. 4 in 1,000 is practically a rounding error. Especially since we know that anyone who died, for any reason, while they tested positive for Covid, was considered a "Covid death." Deaths by cancer, organ failure, injury, etc, were considered Covid deaths if they tested positive for Covid. It also counts those who died as a result of the shot. Ironic, isn't it?

When viruses mutate, they almost always mutate into a less deadly form. Just as Covid has. You can look that up. It's pretty basic immunology. Also, "there's absolutely no guarantee" you won't die in a car crash this month. That's a ridiculous threshold.
And that 4 in 1000 adds up to 17,400. And several doctors have told me that COVID triggers other co-morbidities. It happened to my father. Top cause of death was COVID pneumonia, second was acute renal failure. He wasn’t going to die of anything until the virus hit him. None of these things exist in a vacuum.
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Just curious...why not?
How often do you exercise? At what intensity? What’s your diet like? How much sleep do you get? Why the hell do you care what anyone else is doing? It’s been shown 3 years ago that the COVID vaccine isn’t stopping someone from getting or passing along the virus. So it’s literally of no concern to you what someone else does. You’re a really weird dude.
How often do you exercise? At what intensity? What’s your diet like? How much sleep do you get? Why the hell do you care what anyone else is doing? It’s been shown 3 years ago that the COVID vaccine isn’t stopping someone from getting or passing along the virus. So it’s literally of no concern to you what someone else does. You’re a really weird dude.

I walk about 4 days a week and do stair push-ups and shower squats. I try to sleep 7-8 hours a night. My diet is bad, unfortunately, but I'm not overweight.

The point of the covid vaccines isn't to stop someone from getting covid, the point of the covid vaccines are to prevent severe illness and death

I'm curious why @BrainVision doesn't want to get the flu shot or covid vaccine because he's an educated man...a college professor, I believe.

Most of the anti-vaxxers aren't of that demographic. Most aren't educated.

Does that make sense?
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Please do not mischaracterize me as an anti-vaxxer, as that is absolutely inaccurate. I am fully supportive of vaccines, and I believe that anybody who wants to get a Covid booster or flu shot should get one with no sense of concern or fear.

I have already answered your question regarding my choice not to get either this year:
It’s no longer mandated, and I do not believe that I need them.
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Please do not mischaracterize me as an anti-vaxxer, as that is absolutely inaccurate. I am fully supportive of vaccines, and I believe that anybody who wants to get a Covid booster or flu shot should get one with no sense of concern or fear.

I have already answered your question regarding my choice not to get either this year:

I did not mean to characterize you as an anti-vaxxer.

I read your answer, my question is why do you not believe you need vaccines since they're widely recommended by the medical community?

Of course, if you don't want to answer, you don't have to.
No physician has recommended to me, individually, that I should get the vaccines. I have no risk factors, and I do not personally interact with anybody with any risk factors. I do not take medication unnecessarily, as a general rule. In the last five years, I believe that the only medication that I have taken on a few occasions is an antihistamine for seasonal allergies.
No physician has recommended to me, individually, that I should get the vaccines. I have no risk factors, and I do not personally interact with anybody with any risk factors. I do not take medication unnecessarily, as a general rule. In the last five years, I believe that the only medication that I have taken on a few occasions is an antihistamine for seasonal allergies.

Thanks for your perspective.

How can you know if you don't personally interact with anybody that has covid risk factors...don't you see patients, students and faculty each week?

Did you ask your Doctor about the vaccines? I'm curious how they responded.
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My PCP is more anxious for me to get the shingles vaccine (NO) and making sure I’ve gotten my flu shot than getting more Covid boosters.
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Thanks for your perspective.

How can you know if you don't personally interact with anybody that has covid risk factors...don't you see patients, students and faculty each week?

Did you ask your Doctor about the vaccines? I'm curious how they responded.
I work 100% remotely.

I am curious about your persistent questioning of my personal healthcare decisions. What do you hope to achieve by this line of questioning?

I will assert that you can trust that I am more than capable of taking care of myself effectively, as evidenced by the information that I have already provided.
I work 100% remotely.

I am curious about your persistent questioning of my personal healthcare decisions. What do you hope to achieve by this line of questioning?

I will assert that you can trust that I am more than capable of taking care of myself effectively, as evidenced by the information that I have already provided.

I'm both fascinated and puzzled by the fact that most Americans, perhaps 80%, don't want to take a proven and life saving vaccine that has almost no serious side effects.

That's why I'm asking these questions. It's nothing personal.
Well, I have addressed your question regarding my choice not to take the flu and Covid vaccines this year directly and in detail several times now, yet you continue to question me. I am a person, and you are asking me personal questions. This is most certainly something personal.
Well, I have addressed your question regarding my choice not to take the flu and Covid vaccines this year directly and in detail several times now, yet you continue to question me. I am a person, and you are asking me personal questions. This is most certainly something personal.

I'm interested in everyone's perspective that doesn't want to get vaccinated in spite of the overwhelming evidence that vaccines are safe and effective.
How can you know if you don't personally interact with anybody that has covid risk factors...don't you see patients, students and faculty each week?

Did you ask your Doctor about the vaccines?
These are not questions about my perspective; these are questions about my behavior. What are you hoping to learn about my perspective through these questions?
I'm interested in everyone's perspective that doesn't want to get vaccinated in spite of the overwhelming evidence that vaccines are safe and effective.
I also don't take statins, antidepressants, NSAIDs, etc. despite overwhelming evidence that those medications are safe and effective. Do you understand why?
Yes, although those are different because they aren't recommended for every American over 6 months of age.

The coronavirus vaccines are.
The CDC has very clear recommendations regarding diet, and diet-related illnesses and death far exceed those associated with the coronavirus. Indeed, having an unhealthy diet is a risk factor for severe illness and death from Covid. Why do you choose to reject the CDC recommendations regarding diet?
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