I would make them all work at Taco Bell and demand they use higher quality chicken and cheese.
That is reserved for Goater PhDs
I would make them all work at Taco Bell and demand they use higher quality chicken and cheese.
This, I like!Any group put together to influence political decisions must use a name that clearly indicates their true motive. If your money comes from PETA, your PAC name must indicate so; if your money comes from companies who make theirs selling weapons to the army, your PAC name must say so. No more "Americans for a better America."
Ditto if someone publishes a "scientific study." I want to know who paid for the study so I can determine how biased it is likely to be. I want to know if the study downplaying the health risks of smoking was paid for by RJ Reynolds & the Association of Tobacco Farmers. Likewise, if a study is touting the health benefits of drinking milk, I want to know if it was paid for by the Dairy Farmers of America.
In order for a non profit or charity to be tax exempt, then no one on their payroll can earn more than 50k a year and if more than 1 immediate family member works for them they can not make more than 100k a year total between all of them. The NFL doesn't get taxed because they are considered Non- Profit. How ridiculous is that!
Oy. Having worked for some great nonprofits doing wonderful work, this is ludicrous. Of course you are confusing the NFL with a real non-profit.
No I am not. You are assuming that I am making the assumption that all Non Profits are like the NFL. My point was there are plenty of companies that get the label non-profit, that no way should they have that label and enjoy the benefits of such. The NFL was merely 1 examples. Perhaps the non profits you worked for would fall under the guidelines that would be more acceptable. As pointed out above by Tribe and Belem there are charities and Non-profits that should not be classified as such. There are plenty of companies that do wonderful work, but still make a profit. Doing wonderful work should not be the litmus test for a non profit. Heck I am sure the NFL has wonderful work programs in different cities, but they make far too much money compared to any money they are putting into the communities and the fact they can afford to pay millions to the commissioner and still be considered non profit is ridiculous. Some health insurance companies also are considered non profit yet pay their CEO's large salaries so the profits don't look so high.
I accept Paypal!Where can I donate to the JLORY for king campaign fund?
Actually if you are running for 'king' it might be more of a civil war campaign fund... I'm good with it either way.I accept Paypal!
I'm glad FL, NY, and CA are blue. The rest I can live w/o for the most part anyway.I would make 2 countries....one being all the blue states, the other the red states.(no moving from blue to red)