I think many fans are. There are fans waiting for us to lose so they can be the first ones to post "I told you so". Well I'm here to tell you to crawl back under your rock for another week. 4-0 is 4-0 no matter how you swing it.
Next week we are going to beat Miami and probably look bad doing it. I don't give a damn. Enjoy it now people because it can all turn in the blink of an eye. Hell we could be Florida, ranked for the first time since 2013. Oh I forgot, that's what most of you are fantasizing about tonight.
Next week we are going to beat Miami and probably look bad doing it. I don't give a damn. Enjoy it now people because it can all turn in the blink of an eye. Hell we could be Florida, ranked for the first time since 2013. Oh I forgot, that's what most of you are fantasizing about tonight.