I've never been to a game in the Swamp

Just like life, it's what you make of it. Always had fun....


#BALLS #Ken'sknockoff

Sat on the 35 yard line in the UF Dental fraternity section for this game. Dunn caught the ball right in front of us. Best game moment ever. Crowd noise went from four jumbo jets to being able to hear a pin drop in about five seconds flat.
Never mind Ward to Dunn. We all remember that play well. I want the back story on the other picture in your post!
The way their fanbase is pumped up over their recent unfounded success (no competitive teams played), they will be UGLY when they lose this one. Of that there is no doubt. The success we have had the last few years while they have been mired in suckage has got a big hair-ball caught in their craw. To top it off they think they will walk away to an easy victory, and if they don't win there will be a mental breakdown, thus all the lashing out. Those folks are not stable, couple that with blind hatred and a loss at the hands of the visiting Seminoles and you have a very volatile situation. Watch your collective backs upon exit. In the event we get up big and they pour out of Benny Hill, follow them if you value your automobiles. I wish I were just making this up, but sadly it is true. They will try and tell you it's worse in ain't so. I have seen some Noles get out of line at times, but nothing to the extent I have witnessed in Benny Hill. FACTS.
@NoleFan2U Do you remember seeing an Oakley tent behind you and to the right of that picture? I tailgate with that group. Never had issues but I'm with a large group of gator fans including my wife.
I don't remember too much :D I do remember I was impressed with the bathrooms in that tailgating lot! Nice portable trailor, IIRC.
Best part of the 2013 game was after the game I went into a bar (something cantina?) I was waiting for my buddy to get there since we got separated leaving the game. All the FSU fans started doing the Warchant and I hear two gator fans start yelling

Doofus 1: Don't they know they're outnumbered
Doofus 2: I don't think they are
Doofus: "screw" us, screw Georgia Southern and screw Will Muschamp
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and would love to go, but since my amazing transformation a few years ago all of my 'friends' abandoned me. Lol. I even watch most games alone.

What I'm asking is, is anyone from the Tampa/St Pete area heading up? Maybe I can catch a ride and a scalp a ticket there?

Just a thought.

no reason to watch games alone / go to the local Seminole Booster Spot / you will instantly find yourself among friends. As for going to the Swamp, its ok. The stadium feels pretty run down. The surrounding campus area has some cool bars. For my money, I'd rather be watch the game with a small group of friends someone locally.
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