Only the fringiest parts of Qanon actively believe it. Qanon started out with "Q" on whatever the message board was saying he was a government insider and former high level CIA or military or something and that Trump was leading a fight against liberals who were cannibal child molesters and were engaged in child trafficking. His evidence for this was nothing of course. There was then Pizza Gate where they all decided that some pizza place was the place where the children were being trafficked. It's a regular pizza place. They still protest out in front of it.
They then started going down the rabbit hole with all kinds of conspiracies all surrounding Trump being a hero to defeat the cannibal child molesting communists. It then started getting mentioned on more generic right wing sites and on facebook growing it's following, which was more interested in Q's assertions that Trump was going to arrest Pelosi, Hillary, Biden and all the top Democrats on treason charges and have them publicly executed. Q made prediction after prediction that were all wrong and he of course had an explanation for why he was wrong and every once in awhile he was make some generic prediction that would kind of sorta maybe be 10% true and would everyone would celebrate him for knowing what's really going on.
He eventually backed off a lot of the stuff, which of course, everyone was so far down the rabbit hole they just say it's not the real Q and the Democrats got to him so then others took the lead and alleged that JFK Jr. was not actually dead and was coming back to Dallas to announce Trump being put back in the White House for life.
Q was this guy but has denied it but they're 99% certain it's him. The amount of people that actively follow what they people say and believe is way higher than you expect and some recently elected Congress people retweet and follow a lot of the Q people.