Leon County second circuit judge John Cooper denied the ACC’s motion to stay, delivering an opinion Tuesday afternoon that he feels the filing in North Carolina is a form of “forum shopping.”
Cooper heard legal arguments from legal teams representing FSU and the ACC beginning at 9:40 a.m. before making his comments and decision after 4 p.m.
“I'm not saying Florida State is right, I’m not saying Florida State has the better argument on the merits,” Cooper said. “I'm just saying the motion to stay should be denied.”
Cooper heard legal arguments from legal teams representing FSU and the ACC beginning at 9:40 a.m. before making his comments and decision after 4 p.m.
“I'm not saying Florida State is right, I’m not saying Florida State has the better argument on the merits,” Cooper said. “I'm just saying the motion to stay should be denied.”
Judge Cooper denies ACC's motion to stay, calls it 'forum shopping'
Judge John Cooper says it's not about FSU being right or FSU's argument but he denies the ACC's motion.