Just came across the ESPN scroll....

Pretty simple, The point is that is the main reason that BIG10 and PAC12 shut it down.
The main reason? Leagues all over the world are existing with this condition(s). I understand being cautious. But let’s not kid ourselves, November 3rd is why those leagues are shutting down.
and apparently too ignorant to comprehend what was written. be careful crossing the street, you may get hit by a covid. that should tidily fit your agenda.
Ohhh these forums make everybody so tough.
How does canceling college football give anyone an advantage in the upcoming election?
The appearance of a failed, shut down society or thriving in business as usual.
Are myocarditis and the virus going to magically disappear in January when those leagues want to start up again? Are the sporting leagues in the world shutting down due to this “new” information?
the % chance of this happening is the same as any other sickness that could cause issues. People have made the COVID 19 into the boogeyman
Its way higher actually. Flus and colds have little to no blood clot risks. Of those who have tested posistive for Covid19, roughly 10-15% have had issues with blood clots.
Thanks boss. I know Covid is nothing but the common cold. Please let someone know

How can a slum like Dharvai I’m Mumbai, with over 700,000 per square mile social dist
How does canceling college football give anyone an advantage in the upcoming election?

Cancelling football somehow proves that Covid is out of control to them. They blame who’s in the WH for it being out of control. So canceling football in their minds help them gain credibility for blaming the current administration. This thing is a really big campaign issue that people want to exploit. If it does not look that bad, the blaming does not work as well. It’s so, so simple.
The appearance of a failed, shut down society or thriving in business as usual.
Are myocarditis and the virus going to magically disappear in January when those leagues want to start up again? Are the sporting leagues in the world shutting down due to this “new” information?
The guy currently in office has made it very clear that he wants college football to happen. No one who is considering voting for him now will blame him if college football doesn't happen. They would blame scientist, doctors, administrators, and the media because that's who's pushing back against playing. This political angle just doesn't make since, logically.

And no, I don't expect Covid19 to dissappear in January. Unless a vaccine is produced in that time frame, there will most likely still be restrictions in places where the infection rate is high enough to justify it.

Professional sports have continued to occur in some places throughout the world. But without fans. And some have been canceled for health concerns. Same here in the states. But we're not talking about professional athletes, are we?
How can a slum like Dharvai I’m Mumbai, with over 700,000 per square mile social dist

Cancelling football somehow proves that Covid is out of control to them. They blame who’s in the WH for it being out of control. So canceling football in their minds help them gain credibility for blaming the current administration. This thing is a really big campaign issue that people want to exploit. If it does not look that bad, the blaming does not work as well. It’s so, so simple.
I think its a little too "simple." You know what I mean?
The guy currently in office has made it very clear that he wants college football to happen. No one who is considering voting for him now will blame him if college football doesn't happen. They would blame scientist, doctors, administrators, and the media because that's who's pushing back against playing. This political angle just doesn't make since, logically.

And no, I don't expect Covid19 to dissappear in January. Unless a vaccine is produced in that time frame, there will most likely still be restrictions in places where the infection rate is high enough to justify it.

Professional sports have continued to occur in some places throughout the world. But without fans. And some have been canceled for health concerns. Same here in the states. But we're not talking about professional athletes, are we?
This isn't being played out for the left or the right. That die is cast. The tug of war is for the middle, who don't know who or what to believe. And they will decide this thing like they always do.
And if these very educated administrators don't believe COVID or myocarditis will be any different in 5 months, why talk about the spring when likely things will be the same if not worse barring a miracle?
And professional sports is being played pretty much everywhere in the world. Europe, Asia, Australia, South America, Mexico etc. This despite the sudden discovery of myocarditis and in most cases without fans in attendance. I have yet to see a league shut down since reopening. And certainly not because of myocarditis.
And let's not kid ourselves, D-1 college athletes have all the resources the vast majority of professional leagues around the world enjoy. Hopefully the decision makers come to that realization before January when that concept will suddenly be a no-brainer.
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I think its a little too "simple." You know what I mean?
It’s really not. Not at all in fact. It’s the only explanation that fits. It’s crazy to even say that, and everyone is entitled to their political views but this is the only logical explanation.
That Georgia State QB will not be playing this year after experiencing heart issues after having CONV-19. It want take long for this to pick up speed.
I'm confused. I'm often confused. Help me: a young person gets Covid-19. He plays college football. He experiences a heart issue. Nowhere does it say he got Covid-19 as a result of football practice. Why is this a story? Because it was on the ESPN crawl? What am I missing?
Its way higher actually. Flus and colds have little to no blood clot risks. Of those who have tested posistive for Covid19, roughly 10-15% have had issues with blood clots.
Wasn’t just referring to blood clots
How can a slum like Dharvai I’m Mumbai, with over 700,000 per square mile social dist

Cancelling football somehow proves that Covid is out of control to them. They blame who’s in the WH for it being out of control. So canceling football in their minds help them gain credibility for blaming the current administration. This thing is a really big campaign issue that people want to exploit. If it does not look that bad, the blaming does not work as well. It’s so, so simple.

Unless.... you have a hybrid season. The South and and Southwest are playing while schools in pivotal Swing states like Ohio Mich Wisky sit on the sideline and watch in anger. As fans, ,CFB brings us all together. If your favorite School it not playing it will bring fans together as well with a backlash anger. the tug a war to shut it all down will get intense.
Because of who they want in the WH.
I really struggle to make this connection.

If CFB is canceled, why would more people vote Democrat? If anything, people who love CFB would be pissed, and more like to vote anti-Democrat (assuming Democrats are to blame for canceling CFB).
The guy currently in office has made it very clear that he wants college football to happen. No one who is considering voting for him now will blame him if college football doesn't happen. They would blame scientist, doctors, administrators, and the media because that's who's pushing back against playing. This political angle just doesn't make since, logically.

And no, I don't expect Covid19 to dissappear in January. Unless a vaccine is produced in that time frame, there will most likely still be restrictions in places where the infection rate is high enough to justify it.

Professional sports have continued to occur in some places throughout the world. But without fans. And some have been canceled for health concerns. Same here in the states. But we're not talking about professional athletes, are we?
Thank you! I totally agree with this argument.

I do not believe canceling CFB will impact the election one way or other.

But if it did, the blame would be placed at the foot of the 'cancel it' crowd, not the 'play ball' crowd.
I try. But you seriously don’t think they want orange man out and will do what they can to make it happen? This is their part. Also, where is the medical evidence for the danger to people under 25? All I see is less 500 of such deaths (under 25) from 2/1 - 8/15 per cdc. So why are they worried again?
264 in total in the age demographic that covers high school through college postgraduate. 0.16% of all COVID deaths.

worth also paying attention to the CDC finding that only 6% of all COVID morbidities were solely due to COVID and no other underlying condition.
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I really struggle to make this connection.

If CFB is canceled, why would more people vote Democrat? If anything, people who love CFB would be pissed, and more like to vote anti-Democrat (assuming Democrats are to blame for canceling CFB).
It doesn’t make sense. I never said that, however; I think that’s what is going on. Anything to try and keep the Covid hysteria going. Also, who in sports media is going to blame anyone but Trump for CFB cancellations (Max Kellerman already did by the way)? ESPN (see Max Kellerman)? Even if it is true, I, like you, think it would backfire. There have been so many bad moves politically by both major parties this year how would that surprise anyone? This virus panic has made all logic go out the window this year.
264 in total in the age demographic that covers high school through college postgraduate. 0.16% of all COVID deaths.

worth also paying attention to the CDC finding that only 6% of all COVID morbidities were solely due to COVID and no other underlying condition.
Exactly. There you go.
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how long do you expect the globe will remain under its grips as a pandemic then? in perpetuity?
My thought is “what’s the difference”? These educated decision makers can’t think the presence of myocarditis will be any different in January than it is today. The decision is arbitrary in terms of such a timeframe.
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The main reason? Leagues all over the world are existing with this condition(s). I understand being cautious. But let’s not kid ourselves, November 3rd is why those leagues are shutting down.
And the basis for this conclusion is?