Originally posted by DanC78:
Originally posted by Democratic Nole:
Originally posted by Noleguy06:
Originally posted by KLNole:
Bottom line, if you decide you want to start a family, you will never regret it. The late nights, the teething ( dip your finger in Jack Daniels and rub it on the gum line works almost everytime) the diapers along with a host of other "duties" will wear on you, but I would not trade it for anything. The rewards are immeasurable. You get to show them your world and even the most simple thing of playing catch (cue the Cats in the Cradle music) will always stay with you. My wife is ten years younger than me and out kids are now 9 and 12 and I rue the day they are out of the house, they make life (the good and the bad) a helluva a lot more exciting. And when me and the wife need to get away to Jamaica, we ship the kids to their grandparents. Now grandparents, that is another story, they will spoil the hell out of your kids in ways they never spoiled you.
Many do regret. I feel like while many love having kids, the replies are of course going to heavy favor saying how great they are. I feel, while in minority there are more parents who in fact do regret having kids but don't come out and say it.
I tend to agree. Most people aren't going to post on here about how they hate their kids. Bottom line in my opinion is that regardless of your choice, make sure you put a lot of thought into it and that you and your spouse are on the same page. Way too many people decide to have kids without thinking about it and those children in many cases suffer greatly.
Posted from
Rivals Mobile
hmmmm....I don't know about all this. I don't think there are people that say they regret having kids, or they wish they didn't have their kids (unless they are dead beats, so lets throw that group out and stick with the ones who are being responsible) But more less, wish they had done some things in their life before they had their kids.
The types you are referring to, IMO, are people who weren't prepared to have kids when they did and had other agendas and goals they were working toward when they received news of future baby on the way. The regret is that they didn't have their shit together when they did, or had them to early and didn't have a chance to do some of the things they personally wanted to do in life. Kids will rob you of some of that, or at least make you put off that goal for awhile...that's where the regret comes in...poor planning on their part. I don't believe they are actually regretting the child itself. Just the fact that they didn't plan their life out better is where the regret comes into play.....just my opinion.
This post was edited on 3/25 11:26 AM by DanC78