Lady calls cops because she hears conversation of someone selling foodstamps

[QUOTE="Noles229, LOL[/QUOTE]

Technically it is a felony to sell food stamps worth greater than $100, but honestly I don’t care. They’re given the benefits and they’re adults so they can do whatever they want with them as far as I’m concerned. Prosecute them if the commit fraud to GET the food stamps imo, but if they are lawfully obtaining them than do whatever you want with them.
Technically it is a felony to sell food stamps worth greater than $100, but honestly I don’t care. They’re given the benefits and they’re adults so they can do whatever they want with them as far as I’m concerned. Prosecute them if the commit fraud to GET the food stamps imo, but if they are lawfully obtaining them than do whatever you want with them.

Especially if they use the proceeds to buy drugs, and end up in rehab...
That’s no more my (or your) responsibility than it is to police handicap spots.

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This seems so prev
I see a cart full of diabetes.

My little girl is low weight (technically diagnosed with that terrible label of "failure to thrive," which makes you feel like sh- as a parent) primarily due to being a micro-preemie and some related issues. So our shopping cart is usually half fruits, veggies and lean meats (for us) and half crap like you see in this ladies cart--just to get extra calories into her. And I can feel the judgmental eyes of white people while i shop.
Lol at folks talking about the junk food in this lady's shopping cart but who then ridicule things like the "Big Gulp Ban"

If some people are free to eat like crap, everyone should be. Unfortunately.

Maybe that lady wanted to build a wall around the junk food aisle? Basically the only rational explanation for that human bumper sticker of a troll.
So our shopping cart is usually half fruits, veggies and lean meats (for us) and half crap like you see in this ladies cart--just to get extra calories into her. And I can feel the judgmental eyes of white people while i shop.
Really? In Tennessee that would probably merit a fistbump.
Lol at folks talking about the junk food in this lady's shopping cart but who then ridicule things like the "Big Gulp Ban"

If some people are free to eat like crap, everyone should be. Unfortunately.

Maybe that lady wanted to build a wall around the junk food aisle? Basically the only rational explanation for that human bumper sticker of a troll.

I agree; however I do feel that if someone else is paying for your life they get a say in how you live it. Calling the cops based on a conversation on food stamps is pretty weak though. Someone else said earlier in the thread as well; but how the financial melt down was handled had a significant impact on how I view some things.
Lol at folks talking about the junk food in this lady's shopping cart but who then ridicule things like the "Big Gulp Ban"

If some people are free to eat like crap, everyone should be. Unfortunately.

Maybe that lady wanted to build a wall around the junk food aisle? Basically the only rational explanation for that human bumper sticker of a troll.
Agreed, she can eat whatever she wants, doesnt bother me. I also was against the Big Gulp Ban, give me a break with that nonsense.
Agreed, she can eat whatever she wants, doesnt bother me. I also was against the Big Gulp Ban, give me a break with that nonsense.
I was in favor of the big gulp ban, though I'd enthusiastically trade it for legit curriculum from K-12 that teaches kids how to eat right, cook, and focus on their mental and physical health. We teach kids a lot of stuff but very little in the way of an 'instruction manual' for your body - it's the only one you get and it's gotta last a lifetime.

But I do appreciate your consistency in the quote above.
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The fact of the matter is a lot of people on food stamps are responsible for feeding dependents as well. Some of these people sell the food stamps then buy drugs/alcohol. The dependents then starve. There is no reason someone in the US should go hungry, but my wife sees it at school all the time. This is why they have gone to free breakfast and free lunch for all kids. Parents aren't feeding their kids, but now Mr. an Mrs. taxpayer have to pay twice. Food stamps and free meals at school.
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The fact of the matter is a lot of people on food stamps are responsible for feeding dependents as well. Some of these people sell the food stamps then buy drugs/alcohol. The dependents then starve. There is no reason someone in the US should go hungry, but my wife sees it at school all the time. This is why they have gone to free breakfast and free lunch for all kids. Parents aren't feeding their kids, but now Mr. an Mrs. taxpayer have to pay twice. Food stamps and free meals at school.
States that haven't moved from paper food stamps to EBT cards are setting themselves up for misuse, as well as just simply operating inefficiently.

Do you have any stats on the rate of misuse, specifically misuse for the purpose of buying drugs/booze?
States that haven't moved from paper food stamps to EBT cards are setting themselves up for misuse, as well as just simply operating inefficiently.

Do you have any stats on the rate of misuse, specifically misuse for the purpose of buying drugs/booze?
I didn't anyone still used paper for that.

I used to get approached all the time at SweetBay by people offering to buy me $150 worth of groceries in exchange for $100 cash. Never took them up on it.

Also witnessed many times where a person would have three sets of items; two separate government assistance cards, and cash for what those didn't cover.
States that haven't moved from paper food stamps to EBT cards are setting themselves up for misuse, as well as just simply operating inefficiently.

All states utilize EBT, some just use them for more than SNAP.
Doesn’t stop people from selling the value on the card.
I know someone who buys someone else’s food stamps monthly. EBT card doesn’t stop that.
The fact of the matter is a lot of people on food stamps are responsible for feeding dependents as well. Some of these people sell the food stamps then buy drugs/alcohol. The dependents then starve. There is no reason someone in the US should go hungry, but my wife sees it at school all the time. This is why they have gone to free breakfast and free lunch for all kids. Parents aren't feeding their kids, but now Mr. an Mrs. taxpayer have to pay twice. Food stamps and free meals at school.
True - I'm more okay with that than paying for golden parachutes and market scams. Those decimate huge swaths of people's lives.

It's a big country in a chaotic world - inefficiency is inevitable. I'd rather support kids eating at school than millionaires getting bailed out, but that's just me and I believe there's room for plenty of difference of opinion.
The fact of the matter is a lot of people on food stamps are responsible for feeding dependents as well. Some of these people sell the food stamps then buy drugs/alcohol. The dependents then starve. There is no reason someone in the US should go hungry, but my wife sees it at school all the time. This is why they have gone to free breakfast and free lunch for all kids. Parents aren't feeding their kids, but now Mr. an Mrs. taxpayer have to pay twice. Food stamps and free meals at school.
My sister works with troubled youth in the Bronx and sees the exact same thing. Kids come to school hungry even though parents are on every welfare program available. Now the schools offer "free" breakfast every morning to cover that gap. Crappy situation all around.
I personally would not have butted in to the ladies business; however, I see nothing wrong with what Maria Carie did if in fact it was an illegal transaction that she overheard taking place.
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I personally would not have butted in to the ladies business; however, I see nothing wrong with what Maria Carie did if in fact it was an illegal transaction that she overheard taking place.
Where did you hear/see that woman's name listed, Dan? Has this story taken off elsewhere?
Oh man...I think I just got DanC'd.

You're trying to say Mariah Carey, aren't you? I totally missed that. My bad.

:Face with Tears of Joy:Face with Tears of Joy:Face with Tears of Joy

Lol...however you spell her damn name :)

She also looks like the porn star Carey Mary....if that’s how you spell
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