Look at the poster on your left

Aah shoo, you got me cracked up! Back in the day, as Time and Newsweek had cover stories about it, my mom (high school teacher) asked a younger brother on his way out for a date (who had come home from the army) if he was being careful about the Herps. He said, " Uuh mom, it is her-peez." She kinda got real quiet while he smiled at me on his way out the door.
You would be surprised how many people test positive for exposure. It is possible to be exposed and never get a lesion. I have seen marriages end because of the test results!
You would be surprised how many people test positive for exposure. It is possible to be exposed and never get a lesion. I have seen marriages end because of the test results!

Lesion is such a harsh word, I prefer to think of it as a boo-boo.