Lucky’s Market Tallahassee


Seminole Insider
Gold Member
Jun 14, 2002
closing by 2/12. Along with just about every other Lucky’s store in the state.
So much for the two slices and a pint for $6.
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Wow. That includes the one in Atlantic Beach?
Apparently so. Melbourne store is the lone survivor.
Weird really because they were in various stages of opening 14 more statewide.
I guess that’s show business.
My wife was in the boutique grocery business (she took a package this past Friday). At one point, her company was the same size as the Lucky's chain, now it's 5 stores and shrinking. Eventually it will be gone entirely, as will Lucky's most likely. Just too hard to compete with the big boys on such small margins and heavy shrinkage of fresh foods.
Another Publix...yawn.
Publix pretty much owns the Tallahassee market. They ran Albertsons, Food Lion, and Bruno’s out and Winn Dixie is hanging by a thread here.

We do have some specialty grocery stores like Trader Joe’s and Fresh Market, but Publix has destroyed the other supermarkets here.
Publix pretty much owns the Tallahassee market. They ran Albertsons, Food Lion, and Bruno’s out and Winn Dixie is hanging by a thread here.

We do have some specialty grocery stores like Trader Joe’s and Fresh Market, but Publix has destroyed the other supermarkets here.
Fortunately that's not the case here. I like Publix a lot, but I also shop at other stores that happen to be convenient.
I've found Winn Dixie to have the best deals but the quality of store is a hit or miss whereas Publix is a bit more expensive but you get consistency from cleanliness and service.

Convenience typically wins out though in our household.
And now Earth Fare kicks the bucket.

A brand new Earth Fare just opened near my house in St Augustine a few months ago. I went in there maybe 4 or 5 times just to buy sale items. Way too expensive for every day shopping but Publix isn't much better.

A lot of people in the area are hoping a Trader Joes replaces it.
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I never understood why EF even opened up there on 210 to begin with. What a waste.

Didn't make any sense at all. Someone will pounce on that empty location. Sleiman owns that shopping center so I'm sure he'll have someone lined up.
I never understood why EF even opened up there on 210 to begin with. What a waste.
Are you into waste management? :eek:
Sopchoppy Commodes, Inc.
For those who want a quiet swirling invigorating experience.
And now Earth Fare kicks the bucket. On a positive note, this will mean plenty of free parking next to Corner Pocket.
A recruiter called to interview my wife for a Sr. HR position in Asheville about six months ago. She thought about it, then declined. Dodged a bullet there.
Publix pretty much owns the Tallahassee market. They ran Albertsons, Food Lion, and Bruno’s out and Winn Dixie is hanging by a thread here.

We do have some specialty grocery stores like Trader Joe’s and Fresh Market, but Publix has destroyed the other supermarkets here.
Wal Mart has taken the largest toll on Grocery stores across the country. Publix offers a much better experience and selection than the “People of Wal Mart” can appreciate. They have dried up so many smaller grocery stores across the smaller towns of the US. The distribution networks have dried up that serve those stores, and it makes it even harder for the remaining stores to hang on.